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The process of weight loss is almost never pleasant, or at least not at the beginning, when it is necessary to change eating habits and sometimes reduce calorie intake quite a lot. However, there is much talk about the positive effects of various ingredients on accelerating weight loss. Some of them seemingly, in the opinion of many people, are on the list of forbidden products. This is the case, among others. in the case of chocolate – but its complete elimination may not be justified. How can chocolate help with weight loss and is it worth reaching for it during a weight reduction diet?

Chocolate and weight loss

Chocolate, regardless of the type of diet followed, does not have to be considered only as an unhealthy snack. However, it’s worth mentioning that it’s dark chocolate, not its milky, sweet varieties. Research published in 2018 on the impact of chocolate on weight loss, shows that dark, full-flavored chocolate or bitter, natural cocoa can have a significant impact on the process of reducing excess weight. The cocoa beans from which they are produced contain copper, potassium, magnesium and iron, as well as many other valuable vitamins and are a source of antioxidants. Consuming controlled doses of chocolate is therefore even advisable, because in addition to its effect on fat reduction, it can also help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, slow down the aging process, and have a positive effect on mood.

Reduction, or negative caloric balance

In order for the body to lose weight, it must obtain energy from stores stored in the body. However, in order for this to happen, a caloric deficit is necessary, i.e. taking in fewer calories than the body burns during the day. By maintaining a constant deficit, the body will gradually burn off the excess unwanted flesh. How does chocolate relate to this? Like other products, chocolate also has a certain caloric content, so taking it in too large quantities can provide an increased amount of calories, and thus inhibit weight loss. A small dose of chocolate will not hurt, but in order not to negatively affect weight loss, it should be included in the caloric content of the meals scheduled for the day.

Benefits of eating chocolate on a diet

A small serving of dark chocolate (about 20g), in addition to the already mentioned benefits for the body, can also support weight loss in other ways. How?

Adds energy and helps with concentration

Thanks to its caffeine, theobromine and phenethylamine content, dark chocolate will provide the body with additional energy almost immediately. In addition, it will affect the sensitivity of the senses, stimulate, and at the same time support the body in maintaining focus on the task at hand. This can be especially important during physical activity carried out as part of the weight loss process. Effective training will translate into results.

It is helpful in situations of increased appetite

Dark chocolate, by affecting the hormone ghrelin, can stimulate appetite and help satisfy the hunger felt by the body. The feeling of satiety will reduce uncontrollable consumption of unplanned foods and meals throughout the day, and this in turn will aid weight loss.

Also, chocolate:

Consuming chocolate alone will not be the only way to burn body fat. It can, along with a balanced diet, indirectly help to maintain a proper caloric deficit on a reduction diet and achieve the desired body weight. Completely giving up sweets in the diet is also not good for mental health and, after time, can result in the opposite effect, i.e. giving up on the diet and the yo-yo effect. Bitter chocolate or cocoa are valuable parts of the weight loss process, so it is worth including them in your daily menu.