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In order to properly understand the need to supply the body of every athlete with essential amino acids, it is necessary to zoom in on a few facts related to human physiology. But let’s start with the definition of essential amino acids. These are amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize on its own, as a result of which it is necessary to supply them with food from the external environment. They are different from endogenous amino acids, which humans can produce on their own. Therefore, in order to eat properly, one should provide essential amino acids with food.

Goods of external origin – characteristics

Exogenous amino acids often have their own unique functions. Their characteristics are:

-Phenylalanine – its sources are meat, milk, eggs, fish. A very important amino acid whose deficiency can cause frequent hair loss, apathy and anemia

-Methionine – provided with meat, sesame, Brazil nuts and peas. Important in proper growth and immunity of organisms

-Histidine – the source comes from eggs, bananas, soybeans or fish.

-Lysine – an extremely important amino acid that is an important component of proteins and antibodies. It can be found in gelatin, meat, almonds or buckwheat groats.

-Tryptophan – Regulates metabolism via the production of the sleep and happiness hormone. Similar supply to the previous ones – protein, fish, soy, meat.

-Leucine and isoleucine – affecting the body’s “sugar economy” by regulating glucose concentrations. To supply them, eat eggs, milk, legumes or fish.

– Valine – it protects muscle proteins from entering the energy pathway! A very important amino acid valued by bodybuilders. Muscles in extreme cases of lack of , “fuel” for work of fat or carbohydrate origin can also produce energy as a last resort. However, this is not desirable, since the main function of white is that of a builder. It can be found in flaxseed, fish, milk and sesame.

-Threonine – improves the function of the immune system. It hydrates the skin making it nice to the touch and supple. It is mainly found in milk.

But what are these amino acids actually for?

Exogenous amino acids – properties

They ensure the production of many hormones so necessary in the human body at virtually every stage of development or function. If the hormonal economy is disturbed it always has some negative effects on health. In addition, they are responsible for the proper functioning of the entire nervous system or liver regeneration.

But now the most important for the point of view of the athlete, who is often associated with the gym. Muscle building is a very arduous and complicated process – it is simply a process. For this process to take place well you need building substrates. During training, muscle fibers are constantly being stretched, contracted, subjected to all sorts of overload which causes them micro-damage – but rest assured, that’s what it’s all about! Perhaps paradoxically, but logically – in the future, during the recovery process, muscles will grow stronger and bigger. Yet they need precisely the amino acids that are the basic building material of proteins. They connect like a chain one to another by means of peptide bonds. When the body will have a deficiency of these amino acids – muscle growth will be impaired which will result in ineffective training, constant fatigue, acidification of the body and, consequently, even injuries. On the other hand, when the body has plenty of its , “nutrient” muscles will develop properly.

Help for the athlete – BCAAs

A very good, fast, appreciated and convenient source of amino acids for humans. To be precise, BCAAs are branched-chain amino acids, which include leucine, isoleucine and valine belonging to essential amino acids. These are very important amino acids from the point of view of an athlete to ensure good growth and regeneration of his muscle proteins. Desirable at a time when every gram of muscle mass is at a premium. BCAAs will help build endurance and better training capacity, while increasing the burning of stubborn body fat. Most often BCAAs are dosed from 5-10g before a training unit.