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SARM-a breakthrough in the supplement market?
Some consider Sarms to be a modern, 21st century miracle drug. Others demonize them, putting an equal sign between them and steroids. And yet neither side can be completely right.
In recent years, these agents, through their increased availability, have become popular and have unleashed quite a stir in the sports supplement market. For this reason, it is good to know what they are and, with this knowledge, to be able to decide whether they are worth reaching for.

What are sarms? mechanism of action

Sarms (fromSelective and rogen receptor modulators)- or Selective androgen receptor modulators-are, in the simplest terms, a group of substances that, by combining with the appropriate receptors, cause the body to trigger an anabolic response.
The discovery of these amazing substances dates back to the 1990s. It was in the United States, while searching for more compounds to help fight cancer, that Sarms were invented. Their remarkable property, first tested in the laboratory and then confirmed by a campaign of extensive research, was to cause muscle mass gain without stimulating prostate growth. This was a breakthrough because, unlike the anabolic agents known at the time, they did not cause as many possible side effects and could be administered orally. Their all-around advantages led to their introduction as a drug to be used for severely debilitating diseases, such as cancer and muscle atrophy.

The vast world of Sarm’s

Although Sarms are a vast group of legal anabolic agents, their division has not yet been top-down. They are most often grouped by their action and desired effects.
The most popular groups of Sarm’s are those aimed at:

-power gain: Radium-140, Ostarin

-Building muscle mass: MK-677 -Ibutamoren, LGD-4033, MK-2866

-Reducing body weight and building dry muscle mass:
LAG-4033 -Ligandrol, GW-501516

Which Sarms to choose

Depending on your training goal, you should choose sarms that target specific physique goals. We should also remember that their action is very comprehensive, and these substances, unlike traditional anabolic steroids, do not have major contraindications in favor of combining their action.
More in the article: Which SARMs to Choose?

Sarm vs. health effects

Although Sarms is a product with a relatively short history, thanks to ongoing research and regular user feedback, a number of health-promoting effects of these agents can be identified, such as:
-growth of muscle mass
-reduction of excessive body weight
-accelerated fat reduction
-increased collagen synthesis-improved skin and hair condition
-increased bone mineral density
-faster recovery
-enhanced joint regeneration
-no effect on naturally secreted testosterone levels.

In addition, taking them in the recommended doses is safe for the body and does not lead to mood swings or a drop in libido, as is often the case with regular steroids.

Unfortunately, in addition to their comprehensive positive effects, these substances are not entirely free of possible adverse effects, and these include:
– hair loss in genetically prone individuals
-virilization in women

Sarms vs Steroids

When discussing the differences and similarities between Sarms and steroids, it is important to keep in mind that while their visual effects may be similar, the way these substances work is quite different:
-First of all, Sarms, unlike traditional anabolics, do not have a methyl group, so they do not damage the liver.
-Additionally, they do not convert to estrogen as synthetic testosterone does.
-They are available as oral tablets, much easier to apply than injections.
-Unlike steroids, they do not block the production of the body’s own testosterone.
-They are legal and much easier to access.
-The chance of creating excess Dihydrotestosterone (short for DTH) is very low, and unlike steroids, they also do not cause mood and libido fluctuations.

Notable similarities include:
-Both drugs are highly effective.
-They can be detected in the body even days after use.
-They are not approved by some sports organizations.
-They should not be combined with alcohol or other psychoactive drugs without consulting a doctor.

How to take Sarms

Sarms supplementation is always an individual issue for each product. It is necessary to read in detail the recommendations found on the package and select the dosage according to body weight. If you are in doubt or wish to combine several products, it is best to consult a retailer and seek expert advice.

For more on dosage, see the articles on individual Sarms on our blog.

Where to buy

If you are advanced in body shaping and want to see how Sarm’s will improve your strength and musculature, then visit our WXN Labs store. On our site you will find only the best Sarm’s, both from well-known manufacturers and our own proprietary compositions. Remember to always bet on trusted sellers and uncompromising quality when buying supplements.

Check out our full offer:

Sarm – WXN Labs