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Overweight, high blood pressure, muscle and bone pain, body weakness and cold are just a few of the consequences of insufficient amounts of this vitamin D in the body.
Vitamin D has a huge impact on the body’s immunity, so it is worth paying special attention to it on a daily basis, especially during autumn and winter.
Vitamin D is produced by the body through skin synthesis, which occurs through sunlight.
During the months when there is less sun exposure, the body cannot produce as much of it as humans need.
How do you get vitamin D into the body and why is it important?

Vitamin D and its effect on body processes

A 2018 study found that almost as much as 90% of the Polish population is deficient in vitamin D. This is not very optimistic information, given the fact that vitamin D has an extremely important function in the body – it regulates the absorption of phosphorus and calcium into the body, and thus has an impact on, among other things.
On the skeletal and immune system.
It also contributes to reducing the likelihood of certain diseases of civilization like hypertension and diabetes.
However, there are many more benefits of supplementation with this vitamin.

Vitamin D:

This is because the vitamin in question, stimulates the process of insulin secretion.
If the body has an insufficient amount of vitamin D, then sugar levels can rise and eventually lead to diabetes.

Vitamin D can be used both preventively – to minimize the likelihood of colon or breast cancer, but also during cancer treatment, to prolong life.

Many people losing weight pay attention to the foods they eat, but not to the levels of vitamins and minerals in their diet.
Vitamin D accelerates fat burning by reducing the amount of cortisol in the body.

Vitamin D is important in the development of children and adolescents – it regulates the correct growth of bones and teeth and their mineralization, and prevents rickets.
Correct levels of this vitamin protect bones from fractures and damage.

Insufficient vitamin D in the body can affect thyroid function and cause inflammation.
Vitamin D supplementation is extremely important to minimize the onset of Hashimoto’s disease, as well as to support its treatment.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

As you can see, vitamin D has a tremendous impact on many processes in the body.
How can you notice its deficiency?
If you feel tired and lack energy, this could be one of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. However, it can also be noticed by the notorious occurrence of colds and illnesses, as well as the appearance of back pain or hair loss.
These are the consequences of a lowering of the body’s immune system as a result of an insufficient supply of vitamin D. In order to regulate the levels of this vitamin and improve well-being, as well as boost the body’s immunity, year-round supplementation is essential.

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Vitamin D supplementation

As mentioned, in order to take care of proper vitamin D levels, contact with UV rays is important.
However, nowadays, even in spring and summer, through the Covid-19 pandemic, much more time is spent indoors, making it impossible for the body to produce vitamin D on its own. In addition, once the skin is exposed to the sun, preparations containing a UV filter effectively prevent the synthesis, and thus the production, of vitamin D. This is why additional supplementation is necessary to support the body in its proper functioning.
There are many over-the-counter preparations on the market with drug status, while higher doses in case of severe deficiency, can be prescribed by a doctor.