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Pre-workouts, when to reach for supplementation?

Popular pre-workout supplements, or, more specifically, pre-workout supplements or pre-workouts, are a type of supplement designed to stimulate and energize before a workout. The idea behind them in the beginning was to wring extra strength out of us while exercising after a hard day at work or a busy schedule. This was especially true for non-professional athletes. Since then, however, supplements of this type have undergone many changes, diversifying along the way in composition, purpose and use. Due to their effectiveness and measurable effects, professionals also quickly began using them in their training plan and diet. Including them in training soon became a matter of course. Today, pre-workouts are already an integral part of the world of bodybuilding and any other type of sports activity. You can even risk saying that there are more people who use them than those who do not. What do modern pre-workouts offer and how can they help us maximize the effects of training? About that below.

Good pre-workouts, or is it just an energy boost?

Good pre-workout supplements are dietary supplements whose most important task is to give the body the energy it needs for exercise. Therefore, they contain, among other things, a number of stimulants. Regular training in sports or at the gym is a considerable effort, and there is no denying that sometimes we simply lack the strength for it. Particularly in the rush and flurry of responsibilities that characterize modern life. Often, in addition to simple fatigue, we are also accompanied by discouragement, fatigue and lack of motivation. The result, unfortunately, is most often the postponement of training, abandonment of training or exercising “half a whistle”. All these activities usually have a deadly effect on our training plan and previously developed results. That’s why a good pre-workout works on many spheres of our body and works in multiple ways. It not only gives us an energy kick. It can also improve our mood, remove fatigue, add euphoria and motivate us mentally. And all this is done so that we can maximize the time we spend on training. As a result, we remain completely comfortable with our exercise plan, and the results we wanted to achieve remain unchanged.

Pre-workouts are the part of the nutritional segment that is characterized by really considerable growth dynamics. And it’s hardly surprising, as a well-fitted pre-workout can really improve the quality and effects of our effort. If properly selected, it should also prove to be a good fat burner, especially for all those for whom fat reduction at the gym is the most awaited result of their exercises. An increasing number of pre-workout nutrients offer significant fat reduction at the same time. The wide field of action and the significant impact on different types of strength activity mean that pre-workouts have quickly become a standard and started to be used by professionals. They are sometimes even the only supplement used by some at the gym. They have become all the more popular because they are additionally (or at least should be in their advanced versions) a source of valuable vitamins and micronutrients that we flush out of our bodies during training. It should be remembered, however, that despite their many advantages, pre-workout supplements must remain an element of support and a training option. They will not replace our proper diet, healthy nutrition and necessary regeneration.

Good pre-workouts, their indisputable advantages in specific products

Good pre-workouts, as we explained above, should manifest universal action. What products that will meet the high requirements for preworkouts can we recommend? The popular USP Labs Jack3d 250g Old formula DMAA performs very well in the field of versatility. This is an extremely effective pre-workout, with a rich composition, thanks to which our body will kick into third gear, become more refreshed and ready for training. This nutrient is a hit in the USA, where it has been at the top of the popularity charts for years. Thanks to us, it is also available in Poland. Supplements that will significantly increase our endurance in the initial phase of exercise include WXN Labs Slim Xtreme 60 caps DMAA and Yohimbine HCL 100caps x 10mg. They will instantly make us feel better, improve our mood and motivation to fight. They are also very good, because they are based on yohimbine, fat reducers. Indicated for those who want to effectively fight it with the help of exercises. And when it comes to preworkout, which will provide our muscles with stimulants and building substances, it’s hard to find something better than WXN Labs Blue Magic 45caps and WXN Labs Simple Burner 90 cap. These are very efficient preparations that can be called real fat slayers. An optimal set of high-quality ingredients in optimal doses – this is their key to success during workouts of all kinds.

Pre-training definitely has a lot of undeniable advantages. Those who exercise know how important it is before training to prepare properly for it. An intense warm-up and a good attitude are even more than half the battle. But pre-workouts give us even more. Introducing them as a regular part of preparation for exercise should become a permanent part of everyone’s (or everyone’s) exercise program. Because pre-workouts don’t just prepare us. They improve our attitude, mood, bring positive euphoria and add motivation. They also contain a lot of substances that will help burn fat, as well as improve the efficiency of our muscles. In addition, preworkouts will make the entire workout stable, efficient and effective. Taking them will make it easier to achieve the training goals we have set for ourselves. With them, we don’t have to worry that we won’t cope, won’t be able to cope or will suddenly run out of strength. Pre-workout supplements will definitely increase our performance and boost our momentum in the initial phase of exercise.

Good pre-workouts, do they cause any unwanted effects?


Good pre-workout supplements properly used should not pose, except in individual and rather extreme cases, any danger to our bodies. It should be remembered that these are preparations containing a number of stimulants, which should not be “overdosed”. Among other things, these substances can speed up the heart rate, increase blood pressure and stimulate the nervous system. If you have ever had problems with the aforementioned issues, pre-workouts should be approached with increased caution. Sometimes users of preworkouts reported such symptoms as nausea, muscle cramps, headaches, trembling limbs, tingling on the body, drowsiness, dizziness, balance problems and dark circles appearing in front of the eyes. In addition, peculiar “suspensions” of attention and energetic “reunions” were common. Typical symptoms of pre-workout abuse are limb shaking and nighttime insomnia. If these types of ailments have appeared in us before or appear after taking a supplement – increased caution should be exercised. It may be that a particular nutrient contains an excess of a certain ingredient and may simply not suit us. Another possibility is simply an allergic reaction from our body. No symptoms of this type should be ignored. Although all supplements available on our market are tested and researched, the best solution will be to carefully study the list of ingredients and try individually by consuming small amounts of specifics. Be careful also when using several different supplements. So that their ingredients do not interfere with each other or enhance each other’s effects.

Pre-workouts, are you sure it’s worth it to start using them ?

Definitely yes, because pre-workouts are a whole new training quality. Few of those who have decided to include them in their training have found that they don’t see a difference or don’t need them. The best and the greatest have been convinced by pre-workouts. They will undeniably transform any type of training and bring it to a new, higher level. It’s almost the perfect recipe for an effective workout that will give you the end result you dream of. The right pre-workout conditioner will also make us give much more than we thought we were capable of giving. Certainly many of us, thanks to these supplements, will be able to know the true capabilities of our bodies. And thanks to this, they will be able to set the bar higher and pursue more and more ambitious training goals.