We accept orders from almost every country! You will have several shipping options depending on your order size. All the shipping price quotes are pulled directly from Polish Postal Service website, so you only pay what we are being charged.
As you probably know, supplements can sometimes be seized at customs. We do our best to prevent this, but we make no guarantees. Once the products leave our warehouse, there is nothing more we can do.
Many shipments arrive within 2 weeks, however in some rare cases, shipment can take 45 days or more. Unfortunately, we have absolutely no way to control transit times or customs decisions. Make sure you know your country’s laws on restricted products!
We WILL NOT take responsibility for Stolen/Seized/Lost packages on all international orders. We are very sorry but International Customs and postal carriers will not work with us on any related matters. For us to keep our excellent prices we cannot offer refunds on any packages that have been stolen, seized or lost internationally. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If your package has been Stolen/lost or seized please contact your Customs or Postal carrier.
Tracking does not always work in your country with „International economy mail” shipping metod!
Estimated delivery time:
2. North America, Australia, Asia, Africa, South America
If your parcel is seized by customs delivery time would take much longer.
For international orders we accept Credit Cards and interational bank transfers!
You will get all payment information automatically after buying.
PayPal does not allow payments for our products!
Bank transfer details: