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Testosterone is a male hormone synonymous with energy, strength and prowess. It plays an important role in everyday life, including regulating the processes of libido and sexual desire, but its amount is also important for strength performance and building muscle mass. The amount of testosterone fluctuates and can depend on many factors – lifestyle, diet or stress that the body faces. However, its amount can be regulated by testosterone boosters, among other things. In what situations does testosterone decline and how can it be remedied?

Negative effects of too low testosterone levels

Testosterone is a steroid hormone that belongs to the androgen group, and is produced as a result of a signal (stimulating hormone) sent from the pituitary gland to the testes. There, in turn, Leydig cells begin producing testosterone, which is then transported into the blood. What can lead to low testosterone levels in the body? Among other things, a reduction diet. Anyone embarking on a period of building muscle mass, if they have too high a percentage of body fat to begin with, will most likely start working on their figure by entering a state of reduction, that is, burning excess fat. The more restrictive the reduction and the lower and lower the percentage of body fat, the lower the production of testosterone. However, this is not a rule. People who are very obese when entering a reduction are likely to experience an increase in testosterone due to less estrogen synthesis, which is synthesized in fat. However, this depends on the baseline and the performance of the reduction process Low testosterone levels, regardless of the reason for the appearance of such a condition, can negatively affect the mood and cause a decline in vitality. Reduction in form affects not only the level of libido, but also energy for physical exercise, among other things. strength training. In addition, low levels of testosterone can cause a decrease in muscle mass, and since testosterone also protects the body from fat gain, it can also cause an acceleration of weight gain.

How to increase the concentration of testosterone in the body?

Testosterone, as a result of anabolism, i.e. protein binding, leads to an increase in muscle mass. Therefore, the concentration of testosterone in the body of an adult, training male is very important. In addition to increasing muscle tissues, testosterone also inhibits the breakdown of proteins, thus sustaining the effects developed. In addition, testosterone, by affecting the process of rebuilding glycogen after training, has a positive effect on muscle energy. To ensure proper and constant testosterone levels, it is worth reaching for testosterone boosters. This supplement will help you achieve higher and higher physique goals by doing stronger strength training. In addition, it will provide energy and enthusiasm to work on your figure, without losing motivation to work out.

Good quality boosters also help in fat loss or support the body’s skeletal system.


An interesting and natural testosterone booster is Tongkat Ali, which is a supplement with extract from the Eurycoma Longifolia shrub also known as Malaysian ginseng. Its properties support male hormone levels by regulating their concentration. The benefits of Tongkat Ali include its effect on easier muscle building, lowering cortisol, increasing vitality or improving libido levels. Tongkat Ali capsules are an easy way to improve your mood and the effects of strength training.

Testosterone levels influence the formation of masculine characteristics in adolescence, while in adult men it helps maintain vitality and sexual energy. However, this male hormone undeniably affects many more chemical processes in the body, so that its deficiency can negatively affect athletic and physique performance. Balance in every aspect of life is important, not only when it comes to the proper balance of sleep, calories, hydration and rest, but also in terms of internal processes occurring in the body. WXNlabs supplements can help you achieve your goals.