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In the period of training, reducing or building muscle mass, there is no room for coincidences and spontaneity. Planning is basically a necessity for every athlete. Of course, life writes different scenarios, to which you need to adapt and be able to react to unusual situations. However, a base plan is the foundation, which is the beginning of the road to success. After all, is a drop in energy and lack of desire to train an excuse to let go? Not necessarily. In times of increased exertion, decreased concentration, or the need to increase the body’s capacity, a good solution is to reach for support in the form of dietary supplements that will help fine-tune the training and figure plan 100%.

Scheduled training and drops in motivation

If you’re working out, reducing weight, or building muscle mass for the sake of feeling and looking better, slight deviations from the plan will only delay the whole process. However, if exercise is part of a training plan aimed at appearing in competitions, then every exercise, every workout and every meal is vital to the body’s fitness and capabilities. Declines in motivation, lack of strength or energy can happen to anyone. However, it is worth knowing how to cope with them. One supplement that can help is pre-workouts, otherwise known as pre-workouts.

Pre-workout supplements are supplements designed to affect the body’s energy levels, improve performance and increase strength. The amino acid used to prepare these products includes. citrulline, otherwise known as citrulline malate. It is mainly responsible for the above-mentioned effects, while reducing the likelihood of sourdough. Taking citrulline, or rather its effect on the production of nitric oxide in the body, will help to achieve a muscle pump (muscle hypertrophy). It is achievable when the level of blood flow is increased (thanks to the element nitric oxide) through dilated blood vessels.


Anyone starting to train doesn’t take into account energy dips and lack of motivation in the plan, but being prepared for them and supplying yourself with a pre-workout nutrient you will certainly be able to complete any workout, even a very demanding one.

Concentration problems

In every area of life, concentration and focus can affect the success of even the simplest-to-implement plan. It’s not just at work, school, or while studying that the brain is required to perform at maximum efficiency. Also during training, focus can translate into correct execution of exercises or proper preparation of a post-workout meal. Nootropics are substances that stimulate neuronal transmitters, and stimulate the body to actively produce precursors and cofactors (chemical compounds). This type of supplements supports the brain’s work, affecting its high performance, reduces the feeling of mental fatigue, improves memory and concentration, in addition, their action positively affects the body’s nervous system. Nootropics are not a supplement for daily use, but at times when high performance is required of the brain, they are worth having on hand.


Intense support for stronger results

Increased dietary protein supply, caloric surplus and intense workouts will result in muscle mass gain, but to intensify this process, it is worth reaching for creatine. Creatine has an anabolic effect due to muscle protein synthesis, leading to an increase in muscle weight. This nutrient will be great for anyone who wants to enhance the effects of working out on the figure and definitely accelerate their visibility. Creatine still has additional advantages. Namely, thanks to its ability to rebuild muscle fibers, as well as to oxidize tissues and fight oxidative stress, the supplement in question helps the body recover faster after increased physical effort. Raising the bar for yourself and increasing the intensity of your workouts will be much more effective with the inclusion of creatine supplementation in your training and diet plan.
