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Anyone working out at the gym or training in other sports that require proper muscle work should think about proper supplementation. Without it, training can be ineffective and cause frustration. In addition, during exercise, muscles are constantly working and undergo micro-damage, which will come back bigger and stronger with recovery time. However, for such a process they need , “nutrition” in the form of proteins, nutrients and the right environment. Some of the most desirable muscle aids that are available on the market include creatine and citrulline.

Creatine – definition and action

It is a chemical compound belonging to the group of organic acids formed in the liver. It is composed primarily of guanidine and acetic acid. It is located in the muscles and tendons of the human body. Why is it such a desirable ingredient that is recommended by many people who work out at the gym?

This fact is due to the fact that people modeling their physiques want their muscles to be nice, big and , “scooped”. Creatine undergoes a process of phosphorylation, transforming into phosphocreatine. It is stored in muscle cells and is an essential element for muscle protein synthesis, supporting the growth and development of an athlete’s muscles. However, although this is its main task, it has several other interesting features that are impossible to forget.

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These include:

-Maintaining the hydration of the muscle cell which creates a fantastic environment for muscle recovery after exercise and the previously mentioned damage.

-Also inhibits myostatin (a factor that inhibits muscle growth) which will cause even more muscle growth.

-The last important element is the reduction of muscle acidification, which will reduce the unpleasant discomfort felt after heavy training units.

Types of creatine available on the market + use

The most popular and economical is creatine monohydrate. This is the most pure form of creatine simply combined with water molecules, available in the convenient form of capsules or powder for dissolving in water. It performs sensationally in scientific studies which, combined with a good price, makes it a very good choice.

The second most popular type of creatine, in order, is creatine malate. It is composed of creatine monohydrate and malic acid. Its main distinguishing feature is the stimulation of insulin, which is supposed to stimulate the transport of creatine to the muscles(this transport is insulin-dependent).

Other less common ones include creatine citrate, creatine phosphate or creatine ethyl ester

When it comes to dosage, a very popular method that many athletes start with is a loading phase involving dosing 20 to 30 grams of creatine for 5 to 10 days. Later, after this time, it goes down to 1g per 10kg of body weight.

Citrulline – a popular nitric oxide booster

It is counted among the amino acids involved in the urea cycle. It performs a number of important functions in the human body, the most important of which are the regulation of blood pressure and enhancement of muscle performance. To properly understand the beneficial effects of citrulline on the athlete’s body, it is necessary to familiarize ourselves with its mechanism of action.

It relies on the stimulation of arginine synthesis in the urea cycle. This allows the formation of nitric oxide causing direct relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. In turn, this causes a greater flow of blood with oxygen and nutrients to the muscles better supplying them with these components. This will result in the so-called , “muscle pump” effect. More oxygen in the muscles during a workout = more ATP energy produced for the effort = a more robust and efficient workout. In addition, tired muscles must somehow recover from damage, and it is this process that will be improved by more nutrients delivered with the blood to the muscle fibers.

Citrulline – dosage and opinions

The most common dose is 4-6g per day. When using citrulline, arginine participating in the same urea cycle can be added to increase its effect.

Citrulline has undergone a number of scientific studies, which have proven that it has a very health-promoting effect leading to a reduction in the accumulation of LDL “bad cholesterol” in the blood vessels. On top of that, the endurance of citrulline users and the improvement of training performance make it a very good solution for an athlete taking care of his body.


Both citrulline and creatine are a great option for any athlete, especially one who works out at the gym. There are no contraindications for using both of them together, so when a person really cares about the greatest possible effect then he can be tempted to take both citrulline and creatine.