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Do you remember your best workout? Bursting with energy, throbbing veins, swollen muscles and pride in the work you’ve done – in short, fullness of life. Unfortunately, such sessions do not happen every day. However, in order to change this, manufacturers, supplements are outdoing themselves in the formulas of their pre-workout supplements so that you can, regardless of the circumstances, feel and perform the best possible workout. Today, there are many companies offering pre-workout supplements on the market. However, many people are still wondering – Is it worth using them? How do they work and which ones to choose? We will try to answer all these questions in the text below.

Before a workout? Not just coffee and carbohydrates

If you stick to a workout plan, eat well, but not every workout gives you satisfaction and you would like to change that, pre-workout products have been created for this very purpose. These are legal substances designed to increase the body’s efficiency, maximize its performance, improve your mood and provide a decent dose of energy. They provide the perfect conditions for training, give the feeling of maximum muscle pump – that is, increasing the supply of muscles with the right amount of blood, along with valuable nutrients, including glucose or amino acids. Muscle pump, in addition to the visual effect, also allows for better muscle work, regeneration and ultimately muscle development.

Pre-workouts-Whether they are worth using?

It all depends on what kind of pre-training supplement we are dealing with. If it is an extremely stimulating supplement, we should limit its intake to situations when we need an exceptional kick and motivation for training. In that case, we shouldn’t reach for it more often than once every few workouts. Otherwise, we will start to become resistant to it and will need higher and higher doses in order to achieve the desired boost.

However, there are such preparations that can successfully form part of a workout routine. Most often they contain only citrulline, arginine, creatine and essential amino acids, or other substances that naturally support training.

In summary, depending on which pre-workout we choose, we should use it as our ace up our sleeve, occasionally, when we lack motivation and strength to exercise. However, if it is a pre-workout that does not contain a large amount of caffeine, but perfectly supplements and supports the body during training, it can be used every time.

Now that we know what they are and that they help with training, let’s consider what principle they work on.

Energy and concentration during training

In order to have a successful workout, you need to be properly stimulated, while maintaining focus during exercise. This task is perfectly facilitated by caffeine, which helps reduce fatigue, provides the right boost of energy, while allowing you to train harder and longer, which translates into measurable results. A harder workout means more micro-injuries, which will produce overbuilt muscle fibers, increasing muscle mass and strength. However, caffeine is short-lived, which is why many supplements contain theine in addition to it. Chemically, it is the same substance as caffeine, but its release time is much longer, resulting in a longer stimulation effect. After all, no one wants to feel halfway through a workout as if they’ve completed an ultramarathon. Thus, it can be said that caffeine acts as the spark that starts the workout, while theine sustains the effect.

Bioperine-or black pepper extract-is another substance that has a positive effect on physical and mental performance. It is also added to pre-workout supplements to support the immune and digestive systems. What’s more, like caffeine, it helps reduce excessive body weight and reduces signs of fatigue.

Improving the performance of the body

How long we are able to train, during one training session, is an individual matter. It is mainly conditioned by seniority, age, training and fitness. In pre-workouts, beta-alanine is responsible for improving the performance of the body . It is a substance that supports the performance of the body and muscle work by up to a dozen percent. A characteristic sign of its action is the feeling of a delicate tingling sensation testifying to the distribution of the amino acid throughout the body. Beta-alanine taken regularly extends training time, increasing the body’s performance, while reducing the feeling of fatigue and improving aerobic capacity.
Creatine, coming in many forms: from monohydrate, to malate, citrate, stac or magnesium chelate, is one of the best researched supplements available on the market. More often than not, however, pre-workout supplements consist of several types of it to optimize its performance and bioavailability. Creatine has a very wide range of applications. Among other things, it is responsible for increasing strength, endurance, improving recovery and increasing muscle mass. It creates an excellent environment for the development of muscle mass and strength. Its content in a pre-workout will make sure you won’t run out of it during your workout, but it’s definitely worth supplementing separately to maximize its effects.

Muscle pump- Nitric oxide precursors

Arginine and Citrulline
The last, but probably most important, task of pre-workout supplements is to maximize the so-called muscle pump – that is, blood flow through muscle tissue. This effect is visible to the naked eye, in the form of swollen muscles and visible, pulsating veins. This happens due to arginine and citrulline, which contribute to the formation of nitric oxide, which is why they are called its precursors. The increased content of this compound causes the lumen of the blood vessels to dilate, resulting in better blood supply and nourishment of the working muscles. This effect also persists after exercise, allowing for faster and more effective recovery.

You already know what pre-workout is, what its basic ingredients are and how it works. The question remains which product to choose.

Proven raw material is key

Depending on your needs and the sport you practice, different types of pre-workout supplements will suit you better. Above all, however, you should bet on supplements from a well-known and proven company. WXN has been a well-known and respected brand for years, whose supplements are backed by years of research and customer experience. It offers a wide range of products for both beginners and professionals. To make it easier for you to choose, we have prepared a small ranking of products, depending on your needs and the potency of the supplement, items 5 and 4 can be recommended without difficulty to beginners, while the effect of the higher items will work better for intermediate and advanced athletes.


Purpose: regular workout
HERO PUMP will be the best product to enrich regular workouts. In its composition, instead of caffeine, there is slow-acting taurine, so it will perfectly release energy, throughout the cyclic exercise. Citrulline, creatine and beta-alanine will enhance the quality of the workout and intensify the feeling of muscle pump. Moreover, the Allnutrition brand is famous for its very good quality and relatively low price. In addition, the product is enriched with vitamin B6, which aids magnesium absorption and influences proper kidney function of the heart, and muscles. All in all, Hero Pump will positively affect the quality of training, without over-stimulating the nervous system.


Raw Citruline Malate is an excellent product both for those who compose their own supplement kits, and for those who want to increase the feeling of a muscle pump, improve their body’s performance, and maximally reduce soreness after a workout. This supplement is pure l-citrulline malate, which is worth trying during your next training session.

3. golden labs fury Extreme Dmaa

It is an agent that gives an extreme sensation of muscle pump and bursting energy, which must find an outlet in training. It is a real energy monster, having a sizable composition of stimulants. They dilate blood vessels, improving recovery and blood circulation. Thanks to the content of Dmaa-an extremely powerful stimulant, Golden Labs Fury Extreme Dmaa triggers a feeling of euphoria and exquisite mood, increases the flow of adrenaline-eliminating the sense of fear, and provides an extreme dose of energy along with a high level of concentration. The effect lasts for about 3 hours.

2. Centurion Labz Rage- dmaa formula

Euphoria, strength, the need to perform a workout, after this pre-workout you will feel that nothing is impossible for you. Excellent stimulation, muscle pump and concentration at the highest level. The addition of Dmaa will put you in a euphoric state of non-anxiety, where you can push your limits.


1. Dark Labs Flame

Unquestionable energy, the feeling of pounded, full muscles, taut veins, that’s what Flame pre-workout is. Extremely highly stimulating. A feeling of euphoria and incredible strength guaranteed. To understand what it is, you need to try it at least once.
