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The male and female bodies differ in many ways.
The impact of external factors on health and well-being differs between the sexes, but so do the needs for certain minerals and vitamins.
Men, due to their greater muscle and bone mass than women, have an increased need for all nutrients.
What does this look like for magnesium?

What is magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential element for the functioning of the body, and this can be proven by the fact that it participates in about 300 different biochemical processes.
This nutrient is therefore necessary for life, and the daily dose for a man should oscillate between 400-420 mg.
For women, the recommended dose is slightly lower and is estimated at about 300-320 mg (in pregnant women, the dose should be higher – it can reach the amount for men).
How can magnesium be supplied to the body and why is it so important?

Magnesium supplementation

Magnesium can be supplied to the body in a number of ways depending on personal preference.
The most basic form is to eat balanced meals containing products rich in this mineral.
Magnesium supplementation in its most natural form can be made effective by preparing meals containing:

An equally important element in the daily diet that contains magnesium is water.
However, it is worth reaching for its mineral variety, because it is mainly it that guarantees that we at least partially cover our daily magnesium requirements.
But is this enough to prevent its deficiency?

Unfortunately not, because magnesium supplementation through meals, even in sufficient amounts, can cause magnesium deficiency.
And this is because its absorption is a process that is affected by various factors.
How then to get magnesium  into the body?
It is worth considering taking additional supplements that contain an adequate and easily absorbed dose of it.

Effect of magnesium on health

If you struggle with cramps in your calves or notice a problem with twitching eyelids, it’s a sign that your body doesn’t have enough magnesium.
However, its deficiency can also cause fatigue (even after many hours of rest), nausea, headaches or problems with concentration.
Magnesium supplementation, especially for men, is a definite necessity, as supplying this ingredient not only eliminates the above-mentioned symptoms, but is also a support for the cardiovascular system.
Men, as they age, may exhibit problems with erection or heart disease, as well as manifest conditions of elevated blood pressure.
Magnesium helps relax muscles, and also, through the production of nitric oxide, affects the dilation of blood vessels, resulting in better blood flow.

In the case of men, magnesium also affects the maintenance of an optimal amount of testosterone in the body, which translates into libido levels.
A lack of it, on the other hand, can result in reduced fertility, as too little of it reduces sperm motility.

It is worth mentioning that men are much more likely to do physical work than women, and by exercising, they expose the body to greater stress.
Deficiency of magnesium increases fatigue during physical activity, so in order to protect against this, it is worth taking dietary supplements to supplement the deficiency of this macronutrient.

The nutrients provided in the diet, including magnesium, can often cover the basic requirement.
However, when following restrictive diets or taking incorrectly balanced meals, as well as leading an irregular lifestyle, the final balance can be detrimental to health and well-being.
Consulting a doctor or conducting a checkup can help show what the body is lacking and how to effectively compensate for the resulting deficiencies.