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Paraguayan holly is a plant with remarkable health-promoting properties, and an infusion made from it is a common drink in South America.
This is not surprising, by the way, as it is difficult to look for this plant in other parts of the globe.
This green tree is cultivated in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, while with us the dried tea made from its twigs and leaves is better known as Yerba Mate.
What properties does it have and what benefits does it bring to those who drink it?

A handful of essential information about Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate is often confused with tea, but, it is worth noting, it is not a tea at all.
The infusion from the Paraguayan holly differs from the tea we know, not only in its nutritional content, but also in the way it is brewed and consumed.
Not without reason, to drink the infusion it is essential to purchase a Bombilla, a special tube with a strainer, which allows you to drink the liquid itself without fragments of dried tea.
A Matero – a special cup with a wider bottom and tapered towards its top – can also prove to be an equally useful tool.

What are the characteristics of Yerba Mate and why should you drink it?

Yerba Mate exhibits a number of benefits that are sure to be appreciated by people leading active lifestyles, those working both physically and mentally, as well as athletes.
The infusion helps cleanse the body of toxins and free radicals, and provides vitamins (B1, B2, C, A, E), as well as minerals (magnesium, sodium, iron, silicon).
Yerba Mate will also help during a reduction diet – it has properties that reduce cholesterol and fatty acids.
In addition, it protects the body from fat accumulation in fat cells.
A portion of the infusion also effectively suppresses the feeling of hunger, which can protect you from eating a meal or snack unforeseen in your diet plan.

Yerba Mate for stimulation

One of the most important benefits of Yerba Mate is its stimulating properties, which are due to its caffeine and theobromine content.
But importantly, the caffeine contained in coffee, for example, is characterized by inducing a short energy surge.   Yerba Mate has a different effect, as it provides energy for a long time, which is especially important for active people who require the body to have inexhaustible reserves of strength and willpower.
Athletes who impose a very intense training plan on themselves need to support their body’s energy capabilities.
For this purpose, various supplements can be used to help achieve training effects.
However, it is worth using the simplest way like systematically drinking an infusion of Yerba Mate.
This will manage to supply the body with many important substances that will not only provide energy, but also affect the proper functioning of the body and, among other things.
will help in faster post-workout regeneration.

As Yerba Mate provides a boost, it can be treated as a kind of pre-workout – a substance that helps increase energy, strength, reduce feelings of fatigue and motivate action.

When considering the purchase of Yerba Mate, it is worthwhile to analyze the types available on the market, as not every type of dried product is the same.
There is a dried product made from the twigs and leaves of the Paraguayan holly, and from its leaves themselves, as well as with additives, such as fruit.
Yerba Mate has a peculiar flavor (which varies depending on the type), so to begin with, it is advisable to purchase lighter varieties to help you become convinced of its taste.

Yerba Mate, although it is still not a widely known and widely available drink in  Poland (you can get it in online or stationary health food stores), it is worth including it permanently in your daily diet.
It replenishes minerals and vitamins, supports important processes in the body and stimulates, both physically and mentally.

Are there contraindications to its consumption?

When drinking Yerba Mate, it’s a good idea to limit additional stimulants, as too many can cause, among other things.
heart palpitations, among other things.
Yerba Mate will not be suitable for children, and great caution in its consumption should be exercised by pregnant women.