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Avitaminosis, which is a total or partial deficiency of one vitamin in the body, can have a very adverse effect on brain function, or the body as a whole.
Of course, it all depends on which vitamin is involved.
An extreme deficiency of vitamin B1 was the cause of Beri-beri disease, which, incidentally, was discovered by scientists of Asian origin shortly after World War II, when Japanese society began to face its effects.
Scientists produced a drug, a synthetic variant of vitamin B1, which, by crossing the barrier between the blood and the brain, was able to compensate for the deficiency and thus eliminate the disease.
We are talking here about Sulbutiamine.

What is sulbutiamine?

Sulbutiamine is otherwise known as a thiamine derivative, a substance of synthetic origin that consists of two molecules and has high bioavailability.
Unlike vitamin B1 of natural origin, it acts in a more desirable way because, by dissolving in fats, it quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier to reach the cells in the brain.

Effect of sulbutiamine

Why does synthetic sulbutiamine work, but thiamine, which is a natural substance, does not?
The answer is simple.
The basic variety of vitamin B1 is water-soluble, so its transport in the body is not as efficient.
Sulbutiamine, through its lipophilicity, i.e. dissolving in fats supplied to the body with food, can penetrate the brain while regulating thiamine and thiamine phosphate levels.
So how does sulbutiamine work?

It has nootropic properties

Sulbutiamine affects cognitive function and supports mental processes.
It can be considered fuel for the brain, as it helps concentration, as well as memory, which can translate into the ability to absorb knowledge.
The effects of sulbutiamine can improve mood, eliminating anxiety or depression.
One of the properties attributed to sulbutiamine is its effect on reducing shyness.
As a result, it can help break down barriers of embarrassment and stress in public speaking and also help at many social events.

Helps fight fatigue and supports the body’s physical sphere

Thiamine deficiency can manifest itself in, among other things.
in the form of fatigue, so the use of sulbutiamine supplementation can help eliminate this problem.
In addition, the described substance can be appreciated by people who practice sports.
Physical activity requires the body to have energy, strength to perform and endurance, especially when performing heavy, strength training.
Often, through vitamin deficiencies or everyday life situations, the body can be weakened.
Sulbutiamine will work well in such a situation, as it increases the body’s energy, speeds up post-workout recovery and helps increase endurance.

Check out the product offer: https://wxnlabs.com/produkt/raw-sulbutiamine-120-kaps/

Supports weight reduction

Thiamine derivative will also be appreciated by people on a reduction diet.
Sulbutiamine can help reduce body fat, as it supports the body’s metabolic processes – it speeds up carbohydrate metabolism.

Who can use sulbutiamine and what are the contraindications?

In principle, sulbutiamine is a supplement that has no specific contraindications for use, while it will successfully help many groups of recipients.
It will work well for people who are shy, avoid contact with other people, withdrawn, who want to change this state.
The substance will also be appreciated by students or people who work mentally on a daily basis, because sulbutiamine helps to increase concentration, supports memory and helps to find oneself in stressful situations.
It will also be appreciated by people training or losing weight.

Sulbutiamine is not recommended for people struggling with bipolar disorder, as it can have a negative effect on mood.
In addition, the substance, by increasing the body’s energy, can also disrupt sleep if taken at inappropriate times of the day.