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Various processes in the body need a systematic supply of nutrients, acids, minerals and vitamins in order to run properly.
One of the components of a valuable diet, which will further ensure health and a longer life, is omega acid.
When it comes to this dietary ingredient, omega acid is classified as a fat.
However, it is not worth getting discouraged by limiting the amount of this ingredient in the diet on a daily basis, as there is a group of healthy unsaturated fatty acids, regular consumption of which is essential for life and can also protect us from the occurrence of cancer.
Such acids include.
omega 3.
What are its characteristics and what effect does it have on the body?

Alpha-linolenic acid

All fatty acids of the omega group, are equally necessary and important in the diet, they belong, by the way, to the group of EFAs, or essential fatty acids, but the main difference between omega 3 and omega 6 acid is their origin.
Omega 3 acid is found primarily in fish, such as salmon, almonds, algae, vegetable oils or shellfish, while rich in omega 6 acid, are vegetable oils, for example.
As omega 6 acid is more accessible and much more easily provided in the daily diet, it is therefore worth paying special attention to increase the amount of omega 3 acid in meals and take it daily, whether in the form of omega-rich products or in the form of additional dietary supplements.
Why is this so important?

Omega 3 acids – essential in the daily diet

Alpha-linolenic acid has great antioxidant properties – it gets rid of free radicals from the body, which are the cause of diseases (such as inflammation or neurological diseases) and affect faster aging.
Omega 3 acid has antibacterial and analgesic effects, and reduces the appearance of inflammation.
Physically active people, such as.
bodybuilders, among others, will especially appreciate omega 3 acids due to the fact that they have a great effect on the aerobic capacity of muscles, as well as on the amount of glycogen in muscle tissue (increase its quantity).
What other beneficial properties does this ingredient have?
It supports eyesight, improves concentration, and helps offset stress levels.
Omega 3 acid is also important for women who are pregnant.
The amount of nutrients provided to the baby in the womb is determined by what a woman eats or what supplements she takes.
A diet rich in EFAs or the consumption of balanced supplements containing omega 3, with the approval of the doctor in charge of the pregnancy, of course, will help the baby develop properly.

OLIMP Gold Omega-3 Sport Edition 120 kaps

Omega 3 and cancer

Sardines, herring, trout, salmon, cod, mackerel or tuna are fish that are high in omega 3 fatty acid.
It is worth eating them regularly, because researchers, analyzing the effect of omega 3 fatty acid on reducing the proliferation or preventing the appearance of cancer, have shown that this dietary component helps change the function and structure of tumor cell membranes.
Such a conclusion could lead to the idea that omega 3 supports the body in increasing the permeability of anti-cancer drugs, and thus could help with treatment.
However, this is a thesis that is constantly being researched, and while there is no certainty, consuming omega 3 fatty acids will certainly be beneficial to our health, well-being, physical well-being and mental well-being.

Firm skin, strong hair

Omega 3 acids seem to be a panacea for all ailments, including those related to the condition of the skin, hair or nails.
Particularly noteworthy are GLA, EPA and DHA acids, which are characterized by the best efficiency – they nourish the skin, delay its aging, and affect the tone of skin tissue, making it firm and smooth.
It’s no secret that the sun’s rays negatively affect our epidermis, its condition and appearance, but by taking omega 3, we provide the body with natural protection from harmful light.

Omega 3, along with other fatty acids of the EFA group, is necessary in the daily diet, so it is worth systematically reaching for products that contain it in large amounts.
When buying fish, it is only worth paying attention to their origin, so that by providing good fats you do not supplement your diet with heavy metals that may be found in them.