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At every turn, advertising or information messages try to convince us that dietary supplements are something we absolutely must reach for.
Without a dietary supplement incorporated into the menu, not a move!
However, mindlessly throwing more capsules into ourselves will not make us gain health, well-being and the smile will not leave our face.
What is important is the quality of the supplements, how they are composed and what vitamins and minerals they contain.
So which supplements are worth considering for daily use?

Why do I need supplements?

The body is a very complex machine that works properly only when all biological processes are running properly.
This happens when we supply the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals fats or acids.
Nutritional values permeate the body with food, so a balanced diet is the key to health and well-being (of course, if the body does not exhibit various diseases independent of diet).
A menu composed of plenty of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, good-quality bread and whole grains, as well as valuable, preservative-free protein should provide everything the body needs.
However, not many people pay attention to the composition of their meals, and even in this case we are more likely to pay attention to their caloric content than to the composition of micro and macronutrients.

That’s what supplements were developed for – they are used to make up for deficiencies of important nutrients when there are insufficient levels in the body.
Deficiencies can occur as a result of:

What supplements are worth including in your daily diet?


Brittle nails, dry skin, falling and brittle hair?
You may want to start biotin (vitamin B7 or H) supplementation.
If you notice that your skin is dry, rashes appear on it and your hair is falling out, one of the reasons could be a deficiency of this ingredient.
Both a poor diet and antibiotic therapy can contribute to this.
Many dietary supplements contain biotin in their composition, but if you are particularly concerned about compensating for a deficiency of exactly this vitamin, pay attention to the amount in the capsule.
Of course, it is best to consult a doctor beforehand, who, after examination, will suggest what supplement will be most appropriate.

Check out a product containing Biotin: https://wxnlabs.com/produkt/olimp-vita-min-multiple-sport-60-kaps/


Do you associate the situation when you suddenly feel an intense, piercing and hard to bear pain in the calf muscle, which causes the entire section from the knee to the ankle to tense up?
Or there are times when your eyelids start twitching involuntarily?
These are symptoms that can be the result of magnesium deficiency.
To prevent their appearance, it is worth including magnesium in your supplementation.
This ingredient in its natural variety can be provided through hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, walnuts or almonds, as well as mineral water, legumes or chocolate.
However, it is worth noting that magnesium in the form of a dietary supplement can be better absorbed into the body.
In addition, the amount of milligrams of this ingredient taken will be precisely known.

Omega acids

Unsaturated fatty acids are very important in the diet – they affect proper brain function, as well as regulate cholesterol in the body.
Taking this ingredient naturally in the right amount is very difficult, and without additional supplementation it may not be enough.
The benefits of additional supplementation with omega acids undoubtedly include reducing the incidence of various conditions, including.
hypertension, inflammatory bowel disease, allergic diseases or diabetes.
In addition, omega acids, help improve concentration and memory, as well as general well-being.
Supplementation of omega acids is also very important during pregnancy – not only will it help in the proper development of the baby’s body, but it can also offset the likelihood of pre-term pregnancy and reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

See the product that provides omega acids: https://wxnlabs.com/produkt/olimp-gold-omega-3-sport-edition-120-kaps/

Always reach for quality products with good composition, no matter for what purpose you want to use, or use dietary supplements.
A prior medical history and comprehensive testing can help you effectively determine what deficiencies your body is showing and which supplements are worth reaching for on a daily basis.