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What our diet is composed of and what we consume on a daily basis directly affects our health, well-being, perceptual abilities, as well as our appearance.
Important ingredients that affect physical and mental health are omega 3.
Important products containing these acids, which are worth paying attention to when composing a menu, are seafood, fish, such as.
Cod, salmon, trout, mackerel or herring.
In addition, omega 3 acids are also found in walnuts, flaxseed and canola oil.
How do we provide the necessary nutrients when we consume these foods sporadically or not at all?
Deficiency of omega 3 acids can contribute to the deterioration of the appearance of skin and hair, impaired concentration, and increase the body’s susceptibility to infections or allergies.
In such a situation, it is worth considering supplementation of omega 3 acids.

Replenish deficiencies through supplementation

Food has an important function for humans – it satisfies hunger and sustains vital functions.
However, very importantly, it should also cover the body’s daily requirements for minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Products rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish and seafood, are often expensive or hard to find, moreover, many people are not fond of their taste.
The best solution is to provide omega 3 acids through dietary supplements, such as OLIMP Gold Omega-3 Sport Edition.
This preparation will help in the process of replenishing omega-3 deficiencies – EPA and DHA.
A major advantage of taking the supplement is the introduction of pure fatty acids into the diet, without heavy metals that can be found in fish.
Each capsule is up to 65% omega 3 fatty acids.

Health effects of omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3s are important from the perspective of the functioning of many organs and processes in the body.
They act in multiple ways, including.
They are the building blocks of the brain, and are responsible for proper visual perception.
They are also an important factor in ensuring the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Omega 3 acids are responsible for:

When we supply the body with too little omega 3 fatty acids, the skin becomes dry, loses its luster, in addition, the hair begins to break, splits, and dandruff may also appear.
DHA, EPA and GLA acids improve the condition of the cell membrane and, consequently, the skin.
They protect it from the negative effects of the sun’s rays, during skin exposure to the sun.

Supplementation with omega 3 fatty acids can reduce the incidence of cancers, including.
prostate or breast cancer, among others.
Providing them, whether through diet or supplements, also supports the immune system and reduces the likelihood of allergies.
In addition, it has a positive effect on brain function – it improves thought processes and supports the memory process.
It can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

OLIMP Gold Omega-3 Sport Edition 120 kaps

Omega 3 in sports

Physical exertion is important for the proper functioning of the body, but intense training also increases the body’s demand for nutrients.
Omega 3 is an essential ingredient in the diet of athletes, especially all those who are building muscle mass.
Omega 3 fatty acids improve protein absorption, which makes the process of building muscle tissue go faster.
Supplementation with omega 3 can also affect the reduction of body fat – this happens by sensitizing tissues to insulin.
As a result, the body is able to accelerate fat loss.
Anyone with an active lifestyle will also appreciate omega 3 acids as a way to reduce inflammation – especially in situations of overtraining or muscle strain.
Supplementation with omega 3 will also improve the absorption of other valuable substances into the body, both from supplements and from the food you eat.