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Long Jack, or rather Tongkat Ali, is a plant with interesting properties that men will undoubtedly appreciate.
By affecting the sexual sphere, namely sexual desire, erection, as well as semen quality.
However, Long Jack can also be successfully used to support the process of building muscle mass.
What substances does it contain, how does it affect the body, and is it worth including in daily supplementation?

Exercising at the gym for the sake of physical activity alone is not as motivating as the opportunity to develop musculature and, consequently, a well-sculpted physique.
Getting the body to look above average requires determination, hard work and discipline.
There are many ways to expand muscle tissue, although the basis is definitely a properly selected set of exercises, as well as a balanced diet.
However, there are a number of substances on the market based on natural ingredients that can support this process.
One of these is Long Jack, also functioning under the names Tongkat Ali and Eurycoma Longiforia Jack. Although support of the sexual sphere is considered to be its main properties, it is also worth learning about other benefits of this plant.

Long Jack improves the levels of testosterone, the male steroid hormone, and thus has an effect on the growth of muscle mass, as well as exhibiting anabolic effects on fat cells.
In addition, it has the ability to reduce the level of cortisol, the amount of which can be elevated as a result of intense training or activity carried out on an empty stomach.

It should be remembered that the effect of Long Jack during muscle building will succeed only in combination with (strength) training.
The use of Long Jack will not only help accelerate muscle building, but also reduce the effects of post-workout fatigue and exhaustion.

Tongkat Ali will work especially well for people whose body produces small amounts of testosterone.
The support of the plant extract can help regulate hormonal balance, and thus strengthen the body’s processes.

Origins and bioactive ingredients

Tongkat ali is a shrub that reaches a height of up to 10 meters and grows in, among other places.
Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Laos, among others.
That is why it was in Asia that its use for medicinal purposes began.
Although it is not one of the plants of the ginseng species, the name “Malaysian ginseng” is often used when referring to it.
This is due to its properties – it strengthens the body, but can also help revitalize it and raise the body’s capabilities, including those related to sexual performance.

In the past, medics did not use research, but rather used certain ingredients, seeing how the body reacted to taking them.
Today, based on research, it has been proven what active substances Long Jack contains and why it has certain effects on the body.

The Long Jack plant is worth appreciating because it contains many bioactive components, including.
phenolic compounds.
These include, among others.
alkaloids, eurylactones, squalene derivatives, quassinides and diphenyl neolignans.

Long Jack – application

No matter for what purpose you intend to use Long Jack extract, it is worthwhile that its form is pleasant to use.
Certainly capsules will work great.
A product available in such a formula is #RAW Tongkat Ali, a supplement formulated in doses of 300 mg each.

The product will meet the expectations of demanding men, as it has an effect comparable to an aphrodisiac, and therefore increases libido, has a positive effect on mood and adds energy to action.
In the case of athletes, people doing strength training, the biggest advantage will be support in building muscle mass, as well as faster regeneration of muscles damaged due to training.
Long Jack, or rather its effects, is also sometimes compared to anabolic steroids.

Testosterone is a very important hormone from every man’s perspective.
In the aging process, its concentration in the blood may be lower, which can affect the quality of sexual health, as well as overall well-being.
Long Jack extract will help regulate hormone metabolism, allowing you to enjoy full performance and satisfaction with life for longer.
For fully healthy individuals whose testosterone levels are at normal levels, Long Jack will support the body in increasing its strength and recovery capabilities, enhancing libido, boosting energy, and improving overall mood.