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The body’s aging processes, whether in terms of appearance, physical condition or health, can be accelerated or slowed down.
Of course, this requires knowledge and determination to implement healthy and more appropriate habits for the body.
So what products are worth reaching for?
There are a number of fruits and vegetables that contain nutrients that are responsible for reducing the negative effects of free radicals.
Free radicals, or oxidants, are responsible for the aging process, but can also be the cause of atherosclerosis and other diseases of civilization.
To neutralize their adverse effects, it is worth supplementing the diet with antioxidants.
Where can we find the most of them?

Antioxidants and their involvement in biochemical processes

Oxygen free radicals are derivatives secreted in the process of supplying oxygen (an essential element for life) to cells.
Thus, they are an integral part of the body’s processes.
However, they contribute, among other things, to causing oxidative stress, in addition, they damage cell membranes, which can result in the appearance of more serious diseases or cancers.
However, the effects of oxidants  can be reduced by antioxidants, otherwise known as antioxidants.
Antioxidants include vitamins – A, E, C, carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, and flavonoids, as well as selenium and zinc.

Fruits and vegetables as a natural source of antioxidants

Although artificial antioxidants are available on the market, the best way to supplement your diet with antioxidants, are naturally derived products.
Blackberries are by far the best source of antioxidants, closely followed by walnuts, while strawberries are third on the podium.
Antioxidants can also be found in cinnamon, turmeric, nuts, chokeberries, blueberries, dark chocolate, cranberries, ginger, berries and peppers.

Of course, each product contains different amounts of specific antioxidants.
For example, beta-carotene can be found in orange-colored fruits and vegetables – such as.
in carrots, oranges or peaches, among others.
Vitamin E, on the other hand, is found in oils – sunflower or wheat germ oils.
Nuts, seafood, mushrooms and offal are good sources of selenium.
Flavonoids can be found in fruits, vegetables, green and black tea, as well as coffee.
In particular, this antioxidant is provided in large amounts in the Mediterranean diet.

The list of antioxidant-rich products is very long, so we can easily choose the ones that suit us best.
In addition, fruits, vegetables spices or herbs containing antioxidants are products readily available in Poland – depending on the season, of course.
In the summer, it is worth choosing seasonal fruits and vegetables, and then when there are fewer or none on store shelves, it is worth using frozen foods, which are not deprived of them at all in the freezing process.

Very often we take in antioxidants with food, although we don’t know it at all.
However, without being aware of it, it is possible to take too little or too much of the right products that contain them.
Can an excess of antioxidants in the diet have a negative effect?
Yes, instead of supporting the body in fighting and neutralizing oxidative stress, too much antioxidants can even exacerbate it.

Interestingly, people who smoke cigarettes should pay attention to increasing the amount of antioxidants in their diet.
Tar, which is found in the air inhaled when smoking, is a source of huge amounts of free radicals.
And oxidants, as already mentioned, can accelerate the aging process, as well as increase the risk of cancer.

Systematic consumption of fruits, vegetables and nuts should ensure a natural and proper amount of antioxidants in the diet.
This will ultimately translate into better health and well-being and greater vitality.