Spis treści:

LAG-4033, or ligandrol, is a substance in the SARM group that was originally developed to counter skeletal muscle deterioration through disease and aging.
What is it used for today?
It works well in bodybuilding and all bodybuilding sports, as it exhibits a strengthening effect, increasing strength and endurance, which is especially important when following an intense training plan.
LAG-4033 shows high effectiveness compared to other SARM substances.

SARM LAG-4033 – characteristics

SARMs are a group of substances that are a type of modern doping.
The active compounds contained in them act in a selective, selective manner, and thus show fewer adverse effects than traditional anabolic-androgenic steroids.
Ligandrol, next to Ostarin, is the most popular substance in the SARM group.

Easy to use and safe? LAG-4033 is one of the few substances in its category that does not exhibit hepatotoxicity.
What does this mean?
Namely that it does not adversely affect or damage the liver.
In addition, LAG-4033 is very easy to use due to its high bioavailability, so it can be taken orally.
Ligandrol acts selectively – it reaches selected sites in the body and acts actively in them, while it protects those exposed to the appearance of side effects.
This selective androgen receptor modulator is a substance that can be successfully used by active people over the age of 21 who want to increase their strength and endurance capabilities, as well as get rid of body fat and sculpt the body.

The full range of products can be found in the LAG-4033 category – Check it out!

Action LAG-4033

Disciplines that rely on the expansion of muscle tissues with as much body fat deficit as possible are bodybuilding and figure sports such as.
Bikini Fitness.
These are the disciplines that rely on proper muscle building and a slender appearance, ideal proportions and quick results.

Building muscle mass and sculpting the body is a lengthy and physically and mentally taxing process.
However, the first step is never to take supportive substances, because the key to success is a proper diet, a caloric deficit or surplus, and a training plan properly tailored to the person and the goal.
By sticking to the plan and acting systematically, you can develop some results, which will become more spectacular by implementing LAG-4033.
It is worth noting that faster results also mean an increase in motivation not to stop, but to continue the actions taken.
Ligandrol is definitely a substance with an intensive effect, after taking which you can see quick effects of working on your figure.
This is especially evident in the case of dry muscle mass gain.
Among other SARMs, it is the intake of LAG-4033 that results in the most visible increase in dry muscle mass.

In order for the developed muscles to be clearly visible, it is important to burn fat.
In this regard, too, we can count on the support of LAG-4033, which helps the body burn fat, even when using a caloric surplus.
Ligandrol also has a positive effect on bone tissue and its good condition.

Side effects

All boosters, can cause side effects.
Of course, we are not always sure that they will occur, but they are worth taking into account.
Taking LAG-4033 can lower testosterone and estradiol levels and, despite its selective action, affect androgen receptors, thus causing acne, prostate growth, baldness and inducing aggression.


LAG-4033 is a substance that shows effects even when taken at a very low dose, from 1mg per day.
During clinical trials, it was verified that a dose that is still safe, but high, is 22mg of the substance per day.
The standard dosage of LAG-4033 provides for 10-20mg for men(per day), while 5-10mg for women(per day).