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Ostarin is one of the supplements included in the group of SARMs – selective androgen receptor modulators. Like other preparations of this type, it supports the process of burning fat and building muscle mass. Ostarin also has a positive effect on improving strength and endurance. The rest of this article explains what ostarine is, how it works and when it’s worth including in supplementation.

What is ostarine?

Ostarin is a substance classified as a selective androgen receptor modulator. Its other names are Enobosarm and MK-2866. This agent is among the best studied SARMs. It was developed to prevent bone and muscle mass loss in the course of cachexia and age-related diseases. Like a potential drug, ostarine has participated in a number of clinical trials, during which it was observed to cause improvements in body composition. Moreover, the substance was very well tolerated by participants in clinical trials.

Properties of ostarine

During the course of research, ostarine was found to exhibit a number of beneficial properties. This substance supports the process of burning fat and building lean muscle mass. It improves such parameters as strength and endurance. Thanks to these properties, it has been included in the list of effective supplements for athletes. At the same time, the ostarine available in the store does not cause troublesome side effects, unlike the anabolic-androgenic steroids once often used.

A valuable property of ostarine is to speed up recovery after training. The substance has also been noted to increase bone density. Some users may additionally experience other benefits as well: increased joint regeneration, accelerated metabolism or improved skin condition.

How does ostarine work and when is it worth using?

Ostarine selectively stimulates androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue. This results in enhanced anabolic metabolism. Importantly, ostarine is not converted to dihydrotestosterone and estrogen, so it does not cause the kind of side effects that can be encountered with “steroids.” Possible side effects of ostarine include sleep disturbances, feelings of fatigue or a moderate reduction in testosterone production.

Ostarin can be used by both men and women, although in the latter case much more caution should be exercised in dosing this substance. It is worth noting, by the way, that ostarin, like other supplements from the SARM group, is dedicated to experienced people with adequate knowledge of supplementation and who regularly train.

Ostarin is an agent successfully used during weight loss, as well as when building so-called “dry” muscle mass. Thanks to these properties, as well as its convenient dosage form – orally, once a day – it is gaining a growing number of supporters.