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A well-executed workout is half the battle. In order for gym exercises to be effective, it is necessary to ensure that after the workout all the substances necessary for recovery are supplied to the body. It is difficult to provide the right amount of nutrients with diet alone. Therefore, it is recommended to consume protein nutrients after training. See what to eat after training and why it matters so much.

What does the body need after exercise?

During intense exercise, there is an increase in catabolism of body proteins. Under this term is the decomposition of complex molecules into simple molecules, i.e. proteins into amino acids. As a result, energy is released, which the body needs during increased activity. In order to reduce catabolism-induced protein losses, an adequate amount of nutrients should be provided immediately after exercise. This is best done during the so-called anabolic window, that is, during the most effective absorption of substances.

Right after a workout, it is advisable to consume carbohydrates to quickly replenish glycogen, and protein to contribute to muscle microdamage repair, recovery and muscle tissue building. It’s a good idea to provide protein up to 30 minutes after a workout, no later than 2 hours. And this is where protein shakes come to the rescue, making it easier to fit into the aforementioned anabolic window.

Why include protein supplements in your diet?

After weight training, it is advisable to consume 20 to 40 grams of protein. It is best to deliver it – as mentioned above – up to 30 minutes after the end of exercise. It is difficult to imagine preparing and consuming a properly balanced meal in such a short time. Therefore, it is definitely a better idea to drink a protein supplement. High-quality protein shakes contain well-absorbed proteins. It’s easy to calculate the right portion, so you can be sure you’ve delivered the right amount of nutrients to your body. During an intense training cycle, you can also consider supplementation with amino acids and creatine to support protein synthesis.

If you want to achieve good results in building muscle mass, pay special attention to post-workout meals. Make sure to provide the right amount of protein by using well-absorbed protein supplements. Only through a combination of training and diet will you achieve visible, lasting results!