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Rapid muscle mass gain is the goal of many people training at gyms. Proper exercise, supported by the right supplementation, is the key to achieving the best results in a short time. We explain what beginner athletes can supplement, and which nutrients are dedicated to advanced people.

What nutrients help build muscle mass?

Muscle mass gain requires the interplay of two factors: training and diet. While the issue of exercise is not usually in doubt, the issue of diet can cause many problems. Achieving the best results in terms of muscle mass gain requires providing the right amount of nutrients at the right times. It is difficult to realize this through meals alone. A big help in this regard, therefore, are various types of nutritional supplements.

For all strength trainers, it is advisable to consume protein nutrients. They provide the body with well-absorbed proteins in easy-to-calculate proportions. Amino acids can also provide support in the process of building mass. The effect of creatine, which supports the natural process of protein synthesis, stimulating muscle growth and accelerating muscle recovery, cannot be overestimated. Men with a bit more experience with supplementation may want to consider testosterone boosters. One noteworthy nutrient is Turkesterone, a plant-derived substance that influences muscle protein anabolism and supports the body’s adaptation to hard training.

Supplementation for the advanced

There are a number of substances showing a very beneficial effect on muscle tissue, but dedicated primarily to advanced athletes and bodybuilders with experience in supplementation. These include prohormones and nutrients included in the SARM group.

Prohormones stimulate the production of hormones in the body. For building muscle mass, the most important is androstendione, which is converted into testosterone. Since prohormones affect the body’s hormonal balance, they should be used with caution, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Supplements classified as selective androgen receptor modulators should be approached similarly. SARMs promote muscle expansion and exhibit a number of other beneficial properties. RAD-140, MK-677 and Ostarine are particularly recommended for mass building.

When deciding to start supplementation, it is a good idea to consult a more experienced athlete, coach or sports supplementation specialist. Proper dosage of the right substances at precise times is the key to success in the process of building and sculpting muscle mass!