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The brain is responsible for the most important processes that affect the functioning of the entire body.
In order to work properly, it needs the right “fuel”, which is primarily a proper diet, rich in health-promoting products, as well as supportive supplements. In the daily diet, it is worth replacing simple carbohydrates with complex ones (brown rice, cereals, whole grain breads).
Sea and freshwater fish, rich in Omega3 acids, which are very valuable for the brain, and more, are another part of the diet that will help overall functioning.
Don’t forget about antioxidants, which protect against many diseases, as well as fruits and vegetables, which are natural sources of many vitamins.
In addition, it is worth adding to the diet some so-called.
superfoods, which are food products with extraordinary health-promoting properties.

Health-promoting products available to everyone at your fingertips!

In many cases, a proper diet, supplemented with appropriate health-promoting supplementation, is recommended.
However, before we get to the latter aspect, it is worth noting products that, in a sense, are natural supplements!
The human body is phenomenally affected by turmeric, available, among other things, in the spice curry.
in the spice curry.
Curcumin contained in it significantly improves digestive processes, exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Studies confirm its salutary effect for people who suffer from one of the more common brain diseases – Alzheimer’s syndrome.
A preventive effect has also been noted, protecting against the disease.
Inflammation in the brain can arise for various reasons and is initially unnoticeable.
Over time, they lead to bigger problems and are the cause of neurodegeneration.
With the solution comes the intake of celery due to the luteolin it contains to a great extent!
Other interesting health-promoting products, superfoods, include meat… from crab!
Although it’s more difficult to get it in Poland, it’s worth trying sometimes.
Crab meat contains huge amounts of phenylalanine, an amino acid that helps produce dopamine, thyroid hormones, adrenaline and norepinephrine.
Check out the health-promoting products offered by WXN Labs:

Memory support supplements

There are a great many supplements that effectively crack down on memory problems, and can also prevent them from occurring.
When looking for such a health-promoting product, check its composition.
Recommended substances mainly include lecithin, zinc and selenium, B vitamins, magnesium, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, caffeine and guarana.
In addition to medications containing the above agents, one can opt to take stronger memory supplements – so-called smart drugs. Brain boosters are nootropic agents that contain both natural substances such as the above and synthetic agents.
As a rule, in the course of use, one can notice not only an improvement in memory, but also greater general resilience of the body, speed of thinking, improvement in cognitive functions.

Supplements to support concentration

A great many memory support supplements are also responsible for improving concentration.
The two functions are strongly linked.
Classic brain supplements for concentration include agents containing substances from the racemate group, acetylcholine inhibitors, as well as legal stimulants – caffeine, guarana, theactrin or taurine.
Supplements in this category can vary in composition, but in general they are also based on nootropic agents.
One of the more popular is – for example – NALT, an acetylated amino acid that stimulates the formation of dopamine and norepinephrine.
On the one hand, this can come in handy for more intense workouts, while on the other hand, it will also affect your well-being.
Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s dosage recommendations, as exceeding them can carry unwanted effects.
It is worth choosing such a supplement supporting concentration and memory, which will also contain protective and additional actions.
Substances like Omega 3 acids, phosphatidylserine or vinpocetine act, in a way, like a preservative, providing the brain with additional protection.