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The Covid-19 pandemic brilliantly demonstrated that in a crisis situation and a complete cut-off from routine activities, we are able to handle everything in the comfort of our own home. Our own four walls have become a workplace, a restaurant, a place to meet with friends, museums, cinemas, and… a gym. The rapid changes taking place in the world forced an accelerated adaptation to the new conditions, which contributed to the reorganization of the entire daily routine. An important issue in the context of the closure of the gym was whether it is possible to perform effective strength training at home? With the help of a few tools, a developed plan, a piece of space and the right diet and supplementation, it is certainly possible. Because it doesn’t matter where, it matters how.

What does muscle building consist of?

The human body consists of 35-40% muscle (about 35% in women, 40% in men). Muscles are organs composed of fibers (myofibrils), and these undergo catabolism as a result of training. They are distinguished into two types – fast-twitch fibers and slow-twitch fibers, and their distinction is essential for their proper stimulation. From the perspective of muscle building, it is the fast-shrink fibers and their greater number in the body that give a better predisposition to work on muscle building. Slow contractile fibers are allies of performance training. Muscular hypertrophy, or the growth of muscle tissue, is possible as a result:

In bodybuilding, a supplement that helps in the process of building muscle mass is creatine. This acid is produced naturally in the human liver and has an important function in supporting muscle hypertrophy. As much as 98% of the body’s creatine content is found in the muscles and is used for protein synthesis through energy release. Additional creatine supplementation is the right way to speed up muscle healing so that muscles have room to recover and grow.

Check out the creatine offerings at the WXN Labs store: https://wxnlabs.com/k/kreatyna/

Machines or free weights?

At this point it is necessary to move on to the main issue addressed in this article, namely training at home. What is lacking in many home gyms are the exercise machines we know from sports facilities. However, as it turns out, in order to perform effective strength training conditioning for muscle growth, free weights – dumbbells, barbells, training loads, resistance bands, as well as a bench – are enough. Why free weights? Unrestricted and wide range of motion also affects the action of the muscles that support the body, which translates into training intensity. No less important is also the training rotation and activation of different muscle parts in separate workouts. This approach will surprise the muscle fibers and lead to more effective stimulation.

Training is one of the many components of success. The quality of training, the load, as well as the number of series performed plays a much greater role than the place of training and specialized exercise machines. Yes, you can treat them as a variety, but if you don’t have the opportunity to train in a gym, the activity carried out according to the plan, but at home can provide comparable results.