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Even the best training will not bring the desired effect without a proper diet. It is the basis of all processes in the body. In order for the body to work well, or to work the way we want it to, it is essential to provide it with valuable ingredients through balanced meals. An important issue in this context is macronutrients. The term “macronutrients” can be found repeatedly in the din of nutritionists, athletes and bodybuilders. What is behind them and how to proceed in order to live in harmony with one’s own body, and what’s more, to achieve the set figure goals?

First of all, the plan

Setting a goal is the first step, but you need a plan to achieve it. It is not difficult to disturb the daily balance of macronutrients without planned and prepared meals in advance. However, the calorie balance itself is important in the first place. How to determine it according to the desired effect? In fact, the most important point of reference is to calculate the daily caloric requirement. For this purpose, you can use commonly available formulas or calorie calculators. With them, depending on the degree of daily activity, body weight, height and age, the amount of calories your body needs to function properly will be given. Do you already know how many calories are your caloric zero? If so, it’s high time to add or subtract some kilocalories. The final amount of energy supplied during the day depends on whether you are starting a reduction, want to maintain weight, or perhaps increase the body’s muscle mass.

Your goal is to build muscle mass? If so, it’s definitely a good idea to increase the caloric content of your meals so that your muscles can grow. The average caloric surplus in a healthy diet of people gaining weight is about 20% of the basic caloric balance. Depending on the body, the amount of added calories “on weight” varies between 300 and 500 additional kcal. It is worth noting that an unlimited excess of calories can move you away from the desired results, and instead of beautiful musculature and sculpted muscles, unwanted fat can appear. Calories are one thing, but the most important determinant of a proper diet, both in terms of calories and macronutrient balance, is the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, obviously healthy and as little processed as possible. How then to properly balance the macros in the diet?

Proportions matter

Although diets that eliminate one group of ingredients are very fashionable – for example, the ketogenic or Dukan diets, by far the healthiest way to achieve proper and long-term results, is a balanced diet, in which the amount of energy provided from carbohydrates is about 55%, from protein is about 10-20%, and from fats 20-35%. Of course, the balance depends on the desired results and the body individually. In a diet “for mass” it is important to increase the supply of protein, while maintaining a constant level of fats. Carbohydrates should supplement the energy requirement, which is the sum of proteins and fats.

Many people starting to reduce or build muscle mass undoubtedly have trouble getting enough protein in their diets. Protein nutrients can help, allowing you to easily and pleasantly supplement what you need, while adding variety to your meals. They will also work great for those on vegan diets thanks to the option of soy protein isolate-based nutrients.

Check: Protein nutrients from WXN Labs.

If you have difficulty balancing your meals properly, and you want results, the help of a personal trainer or nutritionist may be important. Their knowledge and experience will give you a good start, which will ensure the desired result in the form of a beautiful figure.

If you are successfully providing the right amount of macronutrients in your diet, on top of that you are implementing workouts, and the effects are starting to show, it is worth reaching for additional supplements available in the WXN LABS store, which will take muscle mass building to an even higher level.