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Dietary supplements are substances that supply the body with minerals and vitamins that are insufficient in the diet, but are important from the perspective of proper functioning of the body.
Supplements can consist of different ingredients and affect our health and well-being in different ways.
And while they are not a drug, they can work effectively, both preventively and eliminatively.
Which supplements should we reach for?
It depends.
First of all, it depends on what goal we want to achieve by taking them, and what nutrients the body is deficient in.
A valuable and multi-purpose supplement of natural origin is berberine.
How does it affect health, and is it even worth taking a closer look?

What is berberine?

It is a supplement that is extracted from barberry, a plant that also grows in Poland.
Both its fruit and bark, root and leaves are used as raw material.
Originally, its properties were already used by ancient people living in the lands of India or Babylon.
Although in the past berberine was used for different purposes than today, e.g.
in the Middle Ages to combat malaria and jaundice, it has many more properties to offer and shows beneficial effects on health.

What planes does it cover?

One of the well-known diseases of civilization that more and more people are facing is diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease during which there is a higher level of glucose in the blood, and this is the result of abnormalities during the production or action of insulin in the body.
A condition that often precedes diabetes is insulin resistance.
This is a condition in which there is an abnormality in the form of lower sensitivity of fat tissue, muscle or liver, to the action of insulin.
Many people struggle with insulin resistance, but not everyone is aware of it.
If we do not take appropriate measures, in such a situation it is not difficult to have the consequence of the appearance of diabetes.
Zooming in on the characteristics of these two diseases is important in the context of berberine’s health-promoting properties, as it has been shown to, among other things.
Stabilization of insulin and glucose.
This occurs by sensitizing cells to the action of insulin.
This results in improved hormonal processes in the body and metabolic changes that result in accelerated weight loss (diabetics and insulin-resistant people tend to gain weight).
Interestingly, the effect of berberine is compared to the drug used by people struggling with diabetes, which may be a confirmation on its incredible effectiveness.

Effect of berberine – other benefits

Berberine is a supplement appreciated for its huge number of properties:

Berberine supports chemical processes in the body, improves health and well-being, and affects the appearance of the skin – especially in people who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
For this condition, common symptoms include hyperandrogenism (such as excessive hair), acne or premenstrual syndrome problems.
Berberine can help reduce these symptoms.

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The bioactive components contained in berberine are also appreciated by athletes.
A healthy body that does not have a problem with glucose or insulin levels will begin to lose weight with the support of berberine.
This is due to the acceleration of the burning of fat accumulated in the tissues.
In addition, berberine has a beneficial effect on the body’s immunity, especially in the case of active people who strain the entire body with exercise.
Therefore, it is not surprising that berberine can be found in many supplements for athletes available on the market.

Berberine, being a supplement of natural origin, is a safe substance, but it is always advisable to consult a doctor about its intake and the appropriate dosage.
It is usually estimated that it should be taken regularly, usually 3 x daily in doses of about 300-500 mg.