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Getting enough sleep is a key element to maintaining health and well-being.
Not even the best diet or the most expensive treatments can replace it.
Sleep deficit is a simple way to a number of unpleasant ailments and the development of multiple diseases.
It is worth noting right away that it is not only the amount of sleep that matters, but, above all, its quality.
We can also talk about the hours of sleep, which, contrary to appearances, are very important.
Thousands of people have already managed to find out the adverse effects of shift work on the mental and physical spheres.
If we have any sleep problems, the key will be to find the root cause and rule them out.
Sometimes a change in existing habits is enough for there to be a marked improvement in sleep

The effect of sleep on the results obtained in workouts

Sleep is the best time to regenerate the body, as well as prepare it for the challenges of the next day.
Systematic physical activity, especially that of increased intensity, even forces us to be very sensible about sleep and keeping a proper daily rhythm.
Too few hours of sleep per day can translate into training efficiency.
From an athlete’s perspective, the key phases of sleep are REM (paradoxical sleep) and deep sleep.
The former of these two phases provides energy for the body and the brain, while the latter helps, among other things.
in strengthening the skeletal system and synthesizing proteins in the body.
By providing the body with the right conditions for recovery, we are guaranteed that the body and brain are properly prepared for activity.

What can be done to improve sleep quality? 

Proper sleep hygiene consists of many activities and principles that should be kept in mind.
By following the recommendations, you can improve the quality of your sleep, which will translate into better health and well-being.
Reaching for chemical sleeping pills is only an ad hoc method that does more harm than good.
The body should be acted on from the outside as well as from the inside.
A very big influence on the quality of sleep is physical activity during the day.
It turns out that we will not get a good night’s sleep if we do too little, as well as if we are physically exhausted.
Without a doubt, a sedentary lifestyle is not conducive to good health and good sleep.
It is recommended to exercise at least five times a week, for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Moderate physical activity, daily walking is enough.
Why is this so important?
As a result of physical fatigue, sleep deepens and lengthens.
A common cause of insomnia is taking too little exercise during the day – the body is simply not tired enough.
It is recommended to exercise in the evening, no later than three hours before going to bed.
It will also be important not to spend too long.
Both too much and too little sleep are not conducive to getting enough sleep.
It is recommended to get 7-8 hours of sleep.

The optimal bedtime is between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am.
The most important hours for the body in terms of regeneration are before midnight and shortly after – from 22:00 to 02:00 at night.
It will be easier for us to get enough sleep by going to bed and getting up at the same times.
This applies not only on weekdays, but also on days off from work or school.
The time of getting up should not be influenced by your mood or the fact that you went to bed later in the day and want to sleep it off the next day.
It is not advisable to get enough sleep or take naps during the day, even if there is a deficit of night sleep.
Otherwise, you have to reckon with a disruption of the circadian rhythm and the occurrence of sleep problems.


What else promotes better sleep?

Exposure to light is closely linked to sleep and affects circadian rhythms.
It is recommended to stay in bright rooms during the day and use natural light as much as possible, going outside.
In the evening, on the other hand, one should avoid exposure to light, especially artificial light, i.e. blue light emitted by the screens of electronic devices.
Three hours before going to bed, one should no longer work at the computer or watch TV.
The light in the bedroom should be warm in color, which promotes relaxation and sleep.
Sleeping is recommended in complete darkness.

The temperature in the bedroom is also important, preferably between 18-21°C.
It must not be too hot, and it is also important to ventilate the room thoroughly before going to bed or to sleep with the window open.
If your feet feel cold, you should wear socks instead of increasing the heat.
A cooler temperature in the bedroom is conducive to a deep and restful sleep, without waking up.
An uncomfortable mattress can also be the cause of not getting enough sleep, so you should check it out and replace it with one that suits your individual needs.
The same will be true of your pillow and comforter.
Aromatherapy will help you relax before bedtime.

A big influence on the quality of sleep is the diet.
The diet should be well balanced, based on as little processed food as possible.
It is recommended to eat wholesome, easily digestible meals, without rushing.
The last one should be eaten at least three hours before going to bed.
It is recommended to avoid fatty and high-calorie foods.
It will also be important to properly hydrate the body during the day, but do not drink anything before going to bed so as not to be awakened by a physiological need.
It is also worth  considering supplementation with vitamins, minerals or herbs.
Especially recommended are B vitamins, theanine, glycine, magnesium, melatonin, tryptophan, adaptogenic herbs – Ashwagandha.