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Every day is a challenge for our body – for the muscles, for the brain, for the internal organs.
Various processes take place in them that make us feel good, be more productive, be more physically active, do a more intense workout or vice versa.
We feel overtired, we can’t focus, we make mistakes, we have trouble absorbing information or we are unable to perform a planned workout.
The body’s efficiency is affected by many factors – adequate sleep and recovery, the right level of vitamins and minerals in the diet, as well as general health.
However, there are substances through which the body, can be further stimulated, and thus more effective.
Such substances include nootropics, or support for your brain.

The brain under a magnifying glass

Nootropics are substances that support brain function.
The correct functioning of the brain depends largely on the amount of neurotransmitters and hormones in it.
Their proper level has a significant impact on concentration, emotions or the effectiveness of the memory process. Nootropics interfere with the central nervous system, increasing the amount of neurotransmitters in the brain and enhancing their work.
In addition, they improve blood flow to the brain, which also results in better brain function. Nootropics is a generic name for a number of substances.
Each of them has a slightly different effect – some help lower stress levels or increase resistance to stress, others improve concentration.
It is up to ourselves to decide which area of our brain’s work we care most about.

Nootropics to support brain function

Many factors influence the proper functioning of the brain.
Just as the body needs a workout to sustain proper vital functions, the brain also needs to be regularly stimulated to function.
A workout for the brain can be reading books, learning new things like playing musical instruments or learning foreign languages, and taking up games and logic tasks.
However, on the physiological side, supplementation can be just as important.
Which nootropics to reach for to support brain function?

Are you having trouble focusing your thoughts or dealing with stress?
Or do you feel notorious mental fatigue?
A substance that may prove helpful is Ashwagandha. Vitania sluggard (another name for this plant) extract will not only help reduce the above-mentioned problems, but also has health-promoting properties for the immune and nervous systems.

Lack of energy or frequent drop in energy?
Problems remembering information and lowered mood?
A helpful nootropic for such ailments may be Berberine.
This substance is contained in the fruits, bark, leaves and roots of, among others.
Zinnia and barberry, among others.
Berberine also exhibits anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, as well as a number of other health-promoting properties.

Another nootropic substance is Ginkgo Biloba.
How does it affect brain function?
Among other things.
frames mood, but also supports short-term memory, while reducing the development of dementia in the elderly.

Nootropic substances also include: Sulbutiamine (reduces fatigue), Rhodiola rosea (regulates mood, prevents mood fluctuations), Piracetam (supports memory and learning), L-theanine (improves cognitive function), Creatine (positively affects mood), Choline (improves mood and supports memory) or Ginseng (improves resistance to stress).

Better brain function means better functioning of the whole body

Nootropic substances of natural origin have many more positive properties, not only affecting the brain, but also the entire body.
However, do they have any side effects or show contraindications to use?
Every body is different, so also the effect of a particular ingredient may be different for a young, fit person, and different for older people with health problems.
It is very important to be cautious in use, and to consult a doctor.