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Before the introduction of medicines, supplements and personal care products in the forms we are commonly known, natural herbs and plants used to be the main source for improving health, well-being and appearance.
Today, science continues to draw on traditions that have been known for centuries and uses infusions and extracts of plants to treat and replenish nutrient deficiencies by administering them in an accessible and easily absorbed form. Herbs of all kinds have a wealth of minerals, vitamins and compounds that affect processes in the body, resulting in improved functioning, a stronger nervous system or faster recovery of the body after physical exertion or illness.
Herbs with health-promoting properties include ashwaghanda, longjack and rosemary.
What are their characteristics and how do they work?

Ashwagandha, or Indian ginseng

Indian ginseng, an adaptogen derived from traditional Indian medicine, otherwise known as Sleeping Beauty or Vitania sluggard, is a plant that lowers cortisol (stress hormone) levels.
In addition, it exhibits anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Its properties will be appreciated by diabetics, since ashwagandha lowers blood glucose levels and reduces insulin resistance.
Indian ginseng is a plant whose properties support brain function, improving association processes and memory.
That is why it is also used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, helping to significantly slow the rate of development of this disease.
Indian ginseng has a multi-faceted effect.
It helps both physical and mental health, making the body gain energy, strength and well-being to realize the challenges of everyday life.

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Longjack – testosterone at high speed

Tongkat Ali or Longjack, is a plant with health-promoting properties that originated in Thailand and Malaysia.
In some cultures it is used as a treatment for malaria, but it is also used as an aphrodisiac.
The health-promoting effects of this plant are appreciated in medicine and are also used for antipyretic or antibacterial purposes.
Eurycoma longifolia, is nothing but Malaysian ginseng, the properties of which will be appreciated especially by men.
Its action includes effects on the health of the endocrine system, especially on the amount of testosterone (increases its level).
Precisely because of this, Longjack supplementation in athletically active people can translate into increased muscle strength, improved libido and support for fat burning.

Rhodiola rosea – for improved well-being

Any ailment related to mental health, such as stress, anxiety, depression, has a huge impact on the functioning of the entire body.
So it’s important to react in time when the body starts showing problems.
There are many health-promoting herbs on the market that can improve overall well-being, as well as weaken disease symptoms.
One of them is Mountain Rosacea.
The root of this plant is particularly important, as it is where the most flavonoids, phenols, quinones and alkaloids are found.
Rhodiola rosea is known and used, among other things.
in Indian medicine, and one of its properties is to relieve stress or anxiety.

Rhodiola Rosea, or Rhodiola rosea, by virtue of being an adaptogen, prepares and adapts the body to current and emerging stressful situations, making various stimuli less acutely felt.
Rhodiola rosea extract can also help with intense mental work, but also when memory and concentration problems occur.
Recovery or regeneration of the body after intense exertion is also a time when it is worth supplementing the extract of this plant.
The health-promoting effects of Rhodiola rosea will result in the acceleration of these processes and a faster return to full fitness.

These are just some of the herbs with health-promoting properties.
Supplementation full of natural ingredients that positively affect the entire body through active substances is beneficial to health and overall well-being.