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Supplements belonging to the SARMs group are sometimes referred to as the new generation of doping. This is because they show high effectiveness in building muscle mass and reducing body fat. At the same time, compared to supplements of the old type, such as anabolic and androgenic steroids, they show a very low probability of causing side effects. We check how SARMs affect the body and whether their use may involve the risk of side effects.

What are SARMs?

SARM is short for “selective androgen receptor modulators,” which translates as “selective androgen receptor modulators.” This complicated name hides the secret of the action of SARMs. This is because these substances act selectively – they affect only selected androgen receptors, leaving others unaffected. Thanks to this property, SARMs show high effectiveness in selected areas, while not causing other unwanted effects.

How do SARMs work?

Based on previous research, it can be indicated that SARMs support fat reduction and muscle building. Their use improves recovery after training. Some studies also highlight the positive effect of SARMs on increasing endurance. Other possible effects of selective androgen receptor modulators include increased libido and increased testosterone levels. Nutrients belonging to the SARMs also support bone mineralization, which translates into improved bone density.

Side effects of SARMs

Taking virtually all dietary supplements comes with the risk of certain side effects. SARMs for strength, muscle mass and fat reduction can also cause all sorts of unwanted effects.

The following possible side effects of SARMs have been observed during studies to date:
– headaches,
– insomnia,
– mood disorders,
– decreased natural testosterone production,
– increased levels of liver enzymes ALT and AST,
– increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

SARMs are a novelty in the field of supplementation, so it is worth following the development of research on them. Since they show high efficacy and relatively low risk of side effects, they are a worthwhile way to support the body during training.