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Can training and diet alone ensure proper and satisfying muscle growth? Certainly up to a certain point yes, but after time it will become increasingly difficult. What supplements should you include in your daily routine so that your muscles and their strength will steadily increase? After all, there are many preparations available on the market, so the choice is wide. Opt for proven supplements that will help you achieve the right results.

What is the process of building muscle tissue?

Before we move on to supplements, it is worth outlining how the process of building muscle tissue takes place. The right environment for the growth of muscle mass is the body’s regeneration cycle, but before we can afford it, training (primarily strength training) is important, which will lead to catabolism – the breakdown of muscle fibers. It is as a result of it that the muscles receive the signal to work, to rebuild and, consequently, to grow muscles. However, not by training alone does a man live, in fact, a very important element that also needs to be mentioned is diet. In athletes who train to gain mass, the most important thing will be the proper balancing of post-workout meals, as well as the appropriate (greater than in a non-trained person) proportion of protein in the diet. In this case, a protein supplement will work great, which can be easily supplemented with too low a percentage of protein in meals. In addition, a caloric surplus is also important in the process of muscle building, but its amount must be optimal, so that from a good caloric intake for the muscles there is no increase in fat mass, which will successfully hide the musculature developed so far.

Supplements that will support the muscle building process

Popular supplements that are not uncommon in the diet of those working on their figure include:

How do they work and what are their advantages?


It is one of the most popular and well-researched substances that has been successfully used in sports supplementation for more than three decades (since 1990). Creatine monohydrate is composed of guanidine and acetic acid, and can be found in edible form in beef, for example. Creatine is also synthesized by the body with the help of substances such as arginine, methionine and glycine. Getting to the point – the source of energy for muscles are ATP molecules, and these in turn are formed thanks to phosphocreatine, the reserves of which can be replenished by supplying creatine. Taking this substance results in greater production of ATP molecules as a result of exercise, and this in turn makes muscles stronger and more durable.

BCAA amino acids

Essential amino acids have the ability to slow down catabolic processes, so it is counterintuitive to think that taking them can inhibit muscle building. However, BCAA amino acids work great for people who care about muscle tissue, but carry out fat reduction at any given time. The amino acids in question will help preserve muscle mass by protecting against tissue breakdown. BCAAs also affect workout capabilities, with better training affecting muscle building and increasing strength. So this is a supplement worth considering for use while working on your muscles.


L-glutamine is a substance whose benefits can be mainly seen in the field of post-workout recovery (which, as mentioned, is extremely important for muscle building), but this supplement supports protein synthesis and reduces catabolism in muscle tissues. Its main benefits include: strengthening muscles and improving their endurance, but it also affects the immune and endocrine systems. It also improves the speed of gluconeogenesis, which translates into more efficient use of body fat stores, for energy for exercise. This is another product worth including as an element to improve muscle building.


It is not a supplement that directly affects muscles and their growing structure, but by dilating blood vessels it helps in better transport of substances and oxygen, which translates into greater performance and strength. Among its benefits, it is worth adding improvement in ridding the body of ammonia and lactic acid ( after a workout) and also enhancing ATP synthesis (which, as mentioned, helps produce muscle fibers and strengthen them).

Properly selected supplements juxtaposed with proper nutrition, hydration, as well as training and recovery, can support in achieving the expected results. The substances listed above are suggestions that are worthy of interest in the context of building muscle and increasing muscle mass.