Spis treści:

Immunity is the body’s ability to protect itself from pathogens.
When it is too low, then we are more susceptible to various infections.
The immune system can be compromised by many factors, including.
as a result of a busy lifestyle, stress, or too few nutrients in the daily diet.
To boost immunity, it is worth taking vitamins and minerals in the form of convenient and easily absorbed supplements.
Which ones?

Characteristics of the supplements

There are really quite a few varieties of dietary supplements – they differ in form, nutrient content, and the effect they are supposed to have.
You can distinguish supplements that promote hair and nail growth, increase immunity, help burn fat or increase concentration.
The vitamins and minerals in them, as well as their concentration and proper combination, are responsible for their positive effects on our body and mind.
Supplements can be in the form of tablets, capsules, powder to be dissolved in water or a drink, so as consumers we can choose the form that works best for us.
And what nutrients should supplements contain to support immunity?

Vitamin C – the foundation of our immunity

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is the most common immune support ingredient.
Its effects only have an impact when taken systematically and over the long term.
How can you notice a vitamin C deficiency?
It will be felt in the form of weakness of the body, rapid fatigue, even when performing ordinary daily activities.
Lack of ascorbic acid affects a decrease in appetite, and can also cause joint and muscle pain.
It is therefore worth reaching for any dietary supplements that are rich in this ingredient.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are an essential part of the daily diet.
They are responsible for many important functions in the body, including.
They support the immune system.
Sources of omega-3 fatty acids are primarily fish and seafood, as well as healthy vegetable oils.
However, we often consume too little of them to provide the body with the necessary amount of these nutrients.
To supplement deficiencies, it is worth reaching for dietary supplements containing balanced doses of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil, as well as shark liver oil, which will not only strengthen the body’s defenses, but also support the body’s regeneration after illness and affect a smoother course of inflammation.
In addition, fatty acids have a positive effect on the heart, brain, skin and hair.


It is a micronutrient responsible for supporting the immune system, and its deficiency can result in a weakened body and increased susceptibility to disease.
Too little zinc in the diet can manifest itself not only in frequent infections, but also in the appearance of a feeling of fatigue and impaired concentration.
Zinc is an ingredient that appears in the structure of about 200 enzymes, which makes it perform a great many functions in the human body – without it, the condition of the skin can deteriorate, and the healing of wounds can be significantly prolonged.
Zinc-rich supplements will certainly support the body’s immunity, but also take care of the body’s condition from the inside and out.

Vitamin D

The human body’s demand for vitamin D is huge, and even with great desire, without additional supplementation it will be impossible to provide sufficient amounts.
Precisely for this reason, it is very important to systematically take doses of this vitamin in the form of dietary supplements, since its deficiency significantly reduces the body’s immunity.
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are the frequent appearance of viral infections, weakness, neuralgia, as well as a significant deterioration of mood.

Immune support supplements should be rich in vitamins and trace elements, which are responsible for processes in the body that support the immune system.
Only the elimination of their deficiencies will protect you from feeling worse, or the appearance of diseases and infections.