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What supplements to reach for in order to record increasingly better exercise results?
The results of supporting training with supplements are obvious, although not every nutrient will be recommended for every athlete.
What do you need to pay attention to?

Among the most popular workout supplements are protein supplements.
They are used most often to improve muscle mass building.
They can also be used by people who are looking for a way to reduce (high-protein diet).
Other useful nutritional supplements include dietary supplements that support the motivation and energy needed for training.
Their use lowers the perceived threshold of fatigue, allowing you to perform more repetitions of a given exercise. Supplements for athletes are plentiful, but the choice should always be made based on the individual situation and needs.

Training vs. dietary supplements – vitamins and minerals useful for everyone

Before moving on to more advanced supplements for athletes, it is worth paying attention to vitamins and minerals.
Intense physical exertion causes them to be flushed out of the body faster.
This translates into deficiencies of particular compounds.
Ensuring the right level of vitamin and mineral supply is the responsibility of anyone who exercises regularly and more demandingly.

Supporting your training with vitamin and mineral supplements is a good idea to start at the very beginning of your adventure in the gym or sports.
Preparations containing all the most important vitamins will be useful, as well as health-promoting supplements with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
In addition to nutrients, you should pay attention to a healthy diet.
It is worth choosing products that are classified as so-called.
functional foods.

What supplements to use for training?
Protein supplements

Nowadays, the most common dietary supplements chosen for training are protein supplements.
A popular example is whey protein.
These preparations provide proteins that are responsible for, among other things, building muscle tissue.
In view of this, they are primarily reached by people who train to increase muscle mass and develop musculature.

Check out the protein nutrients from WXN Labs:

Training supplements for muscle building is not a fad, nor is it a desire to “take shortcuts”.
Of course – the most important thing is still diet, but doing sports and strength training, it can sometimes be difficult to provide the desired supply of protein.
With regular, harder workouts, there is a loss of protein from body weight.
To prevent this, use workout supplements to supplement your diet with needed protein.

It is worth paying attention to the so-called.
peri-workout nutrients.
These are special supplements designed to increase or replenish energy deficiencies associated with intense exercise.
Further types of supplements include various types of products with stimulating effects.
They contain guarana, taurine, caffeine and other substances.
Thanks to them, the threshold of fatigue (perceived, not actual) will be lower, and thus you can train more intensively.
This type of training support with supplements can also be used by those who are beginners.

Advanced training support with supplements

There is no clear answer to the question of what supplements to use for training.
Much depends on how one trains and how often.
Training history and the individual goals that each athlete sets for himself are also influential.

Depending on the demand, people who train with heavy loads can reach for sports supplements containing chondroitin.
With this ingredient, support for bones and joints will be provided.
As a result, the risk of injury associated with load training will be lower.

Among the classic, but more advanced, pre-workout supplements are branched-chain amino acids BCAAs.
Their consumption inhibits catabolic reactions.
Those who train longer at the gym can reach for such supplements for athletes as keratin supplements.
Supplementation translates into greater endurance capabilities, so more intense training and even better results!