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Anabolic steroids are substances saturated with hormones, not infrequently used by people who dream of impressive musculature.
It is not surprising that many people reach for them – after all, it is thanks to them that it is possible to significantly increase muscle tissue.
Such effects in a short time can not be developed with training and diet alone.
However, steroid substances are not completely safe for health.
However, there is a much healthier alternative on the market –  nutrients called SARMs.
What are the differentiated sarms and which ones are worth reaching for in order to notice quick results?

What are SARMs

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators are a group of substances that, by binding to specific receptors in the body, lead to the elicitation of specific responses.
Many of them were originally developed for medical purposes – such as.
to treat catabolic conditions (in the case of nutritional problems, or in connection with AIDS or cancer).
It was also envisioned that SARMs could be used in the fight against osteoporosis, anemia and arthritis.
However, visible effects in the form of muscle mass growth, as well as the lack of serious side effects, made their benefits recognized by the world of figure sports.
Learn about the SARMs available on the market and for what purpose they are worth using them.

Ostarine – building muscle tissue and effective reduction

Are you interested not only in mass, but also in sculpting?
That’s obvious!
But in such a situation, it is imperative that you take care of both steady muscle growth and gradual fat reduction.
A SARM that supports both these aspects is undoubtedly ostarine.
Unlike steroids, ostarine does not cause adverse reactions like baldness, problems with the erogenous sphere, as well as acne.
As a result, it is conducive to working on the figure, without stressing about discomfort in everyday life. Ostarin also makes it possible to perform longer, more intensive training series, for the reason that it improves the endurance of muscles that are particularly exploited during exercise.
During increased activity, athletes are often at risk of tendon and bone injuries.
Ostarin exhibits regenerative properties in this regard, helping them return to full fitness faster.

GW-501516 – greater endurance during activity

SARM, also available under the name Cardarine, is a substance developed by GlaxoSmithKline and Ligand Pharmaceuticals in the 1990s.
Like most such substances, GW-501516 was originally used for medical purposes – to treat cardiovascular and metabolic-related diseases.
However, similar to other SARMs, it was noted that it also had a positive effect on the body’s physical capabilities.
Thus GW-501516 became of interest to the sports world, which appreciated its properties, including.
increasing energy levels, expanding muscles, and  increasing endurance.
Unfortunately, in 2009 SARM Cardarine was included in the WADA list of banned agents.

LAG-4033 – significant increase in muscle mass

Ligandrol is a highly bioavailable selective androgen receptor modulator.
It is mainly used for the treatment of diseases in which muscle wasting occurs.
As  clinical trials have demonstrated SARM’s effectiveness in this regard, it has also begun to be used for muscle expansion in healthy individuals.
Taking LAG-4033 increases strength and, consequently, enables more efficient workouts.
What’s more, it is effective even when taking small doses of the substance.

MK-677 – more efficient production of growth hormone

MK-677, or Ibutamoren, is not considered a SARM in all sources (it reacts differently with the ghrelin receptor).
It causes the body to increase the production of growth hormone, as well as enhancing anabolic processes in the tissues: muscle and bone.
However, in effect, taking MK-677 exhibits very similar effects to the other SARMs – its intake results in greater muscle weight and the body as a whole, as well as helping to unleash the strength needed to perform workouts that are grueling for the body. MK-677 can be combined with other SARMs, so that muscle building will prove more effective and the results more satisfying.